Fake look. Started by: Adele

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  • Adele

    Hello beautiful ladies! I had my first surgery with dr traynor 11 years ago when I was 19! (I’m old now😫😂) I have my consultation on the 27th and I’m wanting a fake look again but dr traynor has retired so I’m looking recommendations for surgeons who are known for this look🥹 I’m 5’6 just under 8 stone, very small framed I had 415cc overs high profiles! Thank you dollys in advance 💗💗



    I’m also on my 2nd set (also old lol)!

    Are you having a re-aug? I recently had a re-aug which tbh I didn’t even want, I only changed them because one had ruptured (I loved my old boobs).

    I said to my surgeon, Samouris, that I didn’t want to go much bigger but also WOULD go much bigger if it meant avoiding having to have a lift (reallllllly didn’t want to have to mess around with the nipples!)

    Luckily I didn’t need a lift so I went from 350cc mid profile unders to 400cc high profile unders. Only 10 days post op right now but they look exactly the same (bit bigger and better positioning, I think from going from mid profile to high profile) than my last pair – which I’m totally happy with!

    So basically I think what I’m saying is… listen to your surgeon but also if you get the same implant shape / positioning (maybe larger) than last time, you should get a similar result (the fake look you love!)

    Hope that’s helpful in some way! X

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