Fake profile? Started by: Chelsea

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  • Chelsea 1

    Hi girls just wanted to let you know that I think @meganh is a fake profile. She’s been constantly adding people for days upon days but has had no forum activity whatsoever. If she’s not I apologise but I’m a little dubious :/

    Kelbel 3

    I agree… She added me but I declined as I noticed no activity x


    i’ve noticed that too. feel bad if her profile is real tho!

    Rio 1

    @xaliyah is another one with no activity too x


    I feel abit of a hypocrite – because of this I have not uploaded any pictures, plus my bf would totally freak out on me, but I gotta admit I have added a few girls and looked at thre pics for re assurance. It’s a bloody catch 22 ain’t it, why some people have to spoil something that means a hell of a lot to us genuine ones is beyond me. Be careful girls, hopefully mya figure a way to control this sort of activity x

    Chelsea 1

    Yeah but you’re actively using the forum though Liz so it doesn’t matter that you’ve not put up pics. It is bad that people are doing it just to get boob pics 🙁 xx


    Hi, I just wanted to let you know it’s not a fake profile, I understand what you mean though, because I haven’t commented on any posts. I only recently made an account on here and have been adding people to get an idea of what other people have had done to help me decide what I should get.
    I had my consultation with Mr Traynor today, my PC is Lauren and I have my surgery booked for the 24th of April at the Preston clinic, sorry for adding so many of you I just wanted to see how it’s turned out for everyone else who’s had the operation with different surgeons and to try and decide which size to go for. x


    Tbh there prob ain’t as many fakes as everyone thinks I think a lot of girls are just doing research and u need to add people to see what size , surgeon u want Ect I add people and always get worried people will think I’m fake but I’m genuinely just doing research and just because people are using the forum doesn’t mean they are real I think mya should check everyone out or something before they make an account. If they are fake what are they gonna do with the pics? Pretty sad if people are not on here for genuine reasons! X

    Nicole 1

    A little message when you add helps people to accept you. I’ve had 8 friend requests in last few days without no message or comment in a thread and against my name I politely ask people to message first ! It’s just courtesy really. Hope that helps newbies!


    I worry about this too because I’m too scared to have a picture on here incase someone recognises me ha ha I’ve tried to only add girls who are with my stats to get a good idea 🙂 x

    Kelbel 3

    Welcome @meganh !!!! I’m 5 weeks post op and use this forum a lot and it really doesnt bother me whether you have a picture or not because fake profiles can put a fake profile picture up lol!! It’s just better if you either message before adding or make yourself known on the forum.
    When I first came on here I had no idea what to do and its normal to start adding people to look at their results…. if girls dont want people to see their boobie pictures then they wouldnt put them on here but its just nice to see activity on the profile so we know its not some weirdo!!! xxxx

    Yana 51

    Some weirdo must they be to enjoy the sight of fresh scars and bruised boobs:))
    I must admit it took me a while to chose a pic for my profile, and had to use a different name, sorry but it’s an unusual name and don’t want to be recognised. However I can and will put on pictures for before and the aftermath…it’s only fair.

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