I sent a message a while ago but have had no response. I signed up to this site about 2 years ago as Belle. I don’t post here much any more but I do come on for a browse from time to time and I’ve noticed another user called Belle… I didn’t think it was possible for 2 users to have the same user name. It didn’t really matter before but now I’ve been receiving messages from people and this other Belle is responding, and yet I’m receiving all the messages to my inbox….????
Does that mean the other belle is getting ur messages? Or u getting her messages? I’m confused! Lol! X
I think we are getting each others. I can see a conversations between herself and someone else but it looks like it’s coming from me because I’m Belle too..x
Oh dear, how on earth can that happen? Hopefully mod shud sort something out soon. Have u tried to message the other belle to let her no? Xx
No, I didn’t think of that haha. I’m just surprised that 2 users can have the same name :S x
Just sent her a message x
Hey Hun, didn’t realise you could actually see the whole conversations how weird! Hope we can get it sorted xx
Yeah that’s why I thought I ought to say something, personal things could be said and I’m able to read it all.
I did send mya mod a message before but had no response so will see if I get one this time.x
If you changed your name on your profile yourself do you think you would still see each others stuff. ?x
I actually can’t believe this has happened. Hope it gets sorted fast and doesn’t happen again. Makes me feel like this site isn’t safe n I’m not gonna feel comfortable sending (not so) private messages just in case someone joins with same name as me.
How can Mya mod ignore your message n not do anything about it? It’s a bit of a joke really.
For now belle n belle u will av to just watch wot ur saying! xx
Theirs another Kim on here also it pretty strange really because when people tag me I come up as kimothy but when I post, pm or comment I come up as Kim. Haven’t received any of her comments or messages tho and I do hope she isn’t getting mine xx
Yeah I think changing names would probably fix it but to be honest I signed up 2 years ago as Belle and don’t really want to change it x
To the other belle would you change your profile name if mya mod asked you too? Xx
I’m just bumping this up for mya mod to see tomorrow. Also hoping he/she can tell me how to delete mentions as people have been mentioning me but it’s for the other Belle. Anyone that looks on my profile mentions will think I’m unhappy with my results but I’m extremely happy x
Hi Belle,
I’m sorry to hear you’re having troubles with MYASPACE. I will raise this issue immediately with our IT support. We take privacy and confidentiality very seriously and will try resolve this problem as soon as possible.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us again with any other problems.
Love MYA MOD x
Thanks mya mod x
Haha yeah I will change mine I’m not really that bothered! It is my name though so not sure what I’ll change it to, might just add a few numbers on the end x
I’ve changed my name, hopefully that should fix it.
Thanks Belle265, I hopefully won’t receive your messages anymore x
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