Fed up of this recovery!! Started by: Natalie Wilson

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    So today I’m 16 day post op and I honestly feel like I shouldn’t have got my boobs done. Im so fed up of constantly either being in pain or discomfort and unable to cuddle my children or partner. It feels like they are never just going to feeling normal I’m so fed up 🙁


    It does get easier hun honestly. Im almost 5 weeks post op and i was feeling abit fed up last week as i expected to be fully back to normal but we have been through a big op and it takes time to recover. So hard i know as like me you are probably very independant. Im feeling so much better now and in the grand scheme of things 6 weeks isnt that long! Take it easy and im sure you’ll be back to yourself in no time! Think about why you did it in the first place! Hope your ok xx


    Thanks hun just so frustrating when you have kids and a business to run and you feel like you can’t do things how you used to lol think yesterday was a bad day because I’d had no sleep then fell on the stairs and pulled my chest. Feeling a little more positive after a goodbye nights sleep and reading your post 🙂 plus woke up today and my boobies had grew lol. Did you find yours grew? X

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