Feel like I've not been given any pre or post op advice!! Started by: ❤xpink91x

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    So my ops in 9 days now and I feel like I’ve not been told anything..”
    How long is it until I can wash after surgery? What about washing my hair? Do I have to get somebody to wash my hair over the bath but will this not hurt me?
    Do I need to start putting cream/bio oil on my boobs now?
    I’m just feeling a bit like my PC isn’t interested anymore and I’ve no idea what I can/can’t do after the op.
    Feeling a bit sad starting to think I’m doing the wrong thing and everything is gonna go wrong 🙁


    Feel the exact same Hun… I haven’t been told a thing…All I know is what vie learnt from you guys xxx


    It’s so bad isn’t it. Doesn’t fill me with confidence. its a good job i trust my surgeon I’d just be a nervous wreck!! Xx


    I had a shallow bath 2 days after. Felt yucky by then but just didn’t feel up to getting in straight away as was quite poorly after (nausea). But didn’t wash my hair until day 4. I bent over the bath and washed my hair myself and was fine. I haven’t used any creams or anything so can’t help with that. Xx

    xjessx 5

    heyy you can have a shallow bath, dont shower untill your nurse says its alright to, ask a friend, mum or go hairdresser’s to wash your hair i’v booked myself in to hairdresser’s for the 12th i have my opp on 3rd…as its gets you out from being stuck inside not being able do much…as for cream’s and bio oil i dont know lol sorry, hope this helps xx


    Hello, my PC said to me wash your hair on the day of your op and put it up in a bobble, be prepared to leave it in the bobble for a week lol. I washed mine at 7 days and didn’t touch it until then. There is quite a bit of info on the info sheets they give you at your app with the PC. To be honest I was a total mess (not in pain just looked a mess/tired etc) for two weeks then I was pretty much back to normal after that. Everybody is different dont go on others experiences of healing etc as I couldn’t physically drive until 14 days but there are loads of girls on here who drove days after. I got a lot of info at my pre op too off the nurse, if you need things answering call your nurse they know better than the PC, they both contradicted each other when I had mine done. Good luck x x x


    Thanks so much girls! Don’t know what I would do without you all. It sounds like dry shampoo is gonna be my new lover haha! Thank you again xx


    Its not good not being told what and when you can do things as we are all obviously concerned about causing any damage to our new boobies :). The nurse told me at the hospital its OK to shallow bath which I did and then my sister washed my hair, I was OK to dry and straighten it. Then on day 6 I had strapping off and nurse said I was good to have full shower just not to get any wash products on scars, just leave them be. She said I’m OK to put cream/bio oil on my boobs but again leave scars well alone. I’ve washed my hair by myself over the bath which was fine just had to every now and then stretch my back. You can always call mya and ask the nurse to call. Wouldn’t really bother with the PC, not heard anything from mine, really think this is something that mya should try and sort as we need reassurance once the procedures are done. Xxx


    Yeah I’ve practically heard nothing from my PC since my op was booked and she even ordered the complete wrong size implants that my surgeon hasn’t even suggested thankfully another pc managed to sort that out!

    Thanks Hun for ur advice I just don’t want to be smelling haha 🙁 and like you said I don’t want to cause any damage to my new boobs!
    Don’t know what I would do without this forum xx

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