Feel like my boobs are going to fall off !!!! Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 1

    Girls I had my boobs changed on the 9th November I’m 6 days post op been for my dressing changed today and feel like my boobs are going to fall off . I have had a well more painful experience this time round. Only had them done as I had a rupture . Does any one as feel like this xx

    Amy 1

    Sorry October 9th

    Amanda 15

    I’m what way do you feel like they are going to fall off? Im 2 weeks post op and felt like this for the 1st week but I feel like they have settled a lot in the last week or so. They originally didn’t feel part of my body if that makes sense

    Amy 1

    It’s the strangest feeling , I had the bandages removed yesterday and wen the nurse told me to stand n look in the mirror the only way I can describe how I felt is as if the scars was going to pop open and they would drop to the floor if that makes sense .

    Yes you probably say it more normal liek there not a part of your body 🤣 sorry for the drama just wondered if any one else felt like this .

    Are you starting to feel more like your self again back to normal routines ? X


    I actually came onto this forum looking for a post saying similar!
    I had my Op on the 8th November and after having the original dressing taken off after 1 week I felt the same! Now when I take the bra off to shower I feel the same, I feel like they are going to fall out if I lean over and I’m holding my back and body posture so strange to try and compensate.
    I’m sure its just while we get used to having almost an extra kilo of weight in our bodies.

    Amanda 15

    @Amy yes I’m starting to feel much more myself, although sleeping is still not the best, but im a side sleeper so that’s still a no go. I’m still sleeping slightly propped up on my back.

    My swelling has reduced and my boobs don’t feel as solid, they feel more natural now.
    Yes im starting to get back to some normal activities, but being very cautious! You? X

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