feel so down 10dpo and want revision … anyone gone from unders to overs?? Started by: Jodie

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  • Jodie

    I am NOT a MYA patient, I had my 290cc tear drop implants removed and replaced with 520cc hp as I wanted fullness, roundness and definition up top. I wasn’t doing this for size and I stressed this my surgeon its purely for shape. I pointed out that my left was bigger and asked if hed correct it using 2 sized implants to which I was told after he measured that it wasn’t enough to use 2 sizes.
    so op day he came in and took pictures and only made 2 marks on my body at the top to where I presume the implants were placed. this seemed strange to me as I see all sorts of markings on other posts?
    around 6 dpo the looked amazing but never sat high at all so that worried me that they would only drop lower. im now 10dpo and I have so many problems. firstly the size difference is huge, not only this my creases arnt aligned one starts a lot higher and this is the bigger one so that’s now dropping and creating a fold and my right one isn’t at all. the bigger one is a funny shape and seems like im all side boob. my left nipple is out around 2-2.5cm than my right which makes it more obvious. aside from all this I have no shape up top at all which was the only reason ive had this surgery :(… after my op he came through and said he didn’t have to touch the pockets at all so I feel like ive gone in and hes literally cut me open and simply swapped the implants without really checking everything 🙁 I feel so down about it as I know it will only get worse.
    I saw the nurse earlier this week and she could see my concerns and said I don’t have infection or excessive swelling to make it look bigger so shes booked me in to see my surgeon at 2 weeks post op.
    im really hoping ill get a revision after spending all this money again 🙁
    has anyone had this experience? can the close pockets to correct shape or make them seem higher?
    could he create a new pocket completely from moving them under to over?
    im not a mya patient btw but my surgeon does work for them id rather not mention him uncase they delete this thread. ill try and attach pics

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Content is against MYA's community guidelines

    This is my before and 6dpo

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    These are all from today 🙁 🙁

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    Daisy pleace 21

    Jodie I think personally you’d probably of been better with a high profile round implant xxx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Daisy pleace 21.
    Assymetric 50

    @DaisyPleace that’s what Jodie had which is why she is concerned. She had tear drop implants removed.

    Assymetric 50

    I actually think your boobs look great! But it’s about whether you’re happy with them and have got what you asked for and if the answer to those questions is no, then hopefully you can get a revision!


    Yeah i had round hps … thanks i just think i have 2 completely diff boobs atm and i dnt think its going to change in 4 weeks 🙁

    Jenni 7

    If you search on here there was another girl who was really concerned like you, hers looked really different but actually after a lot longer (can’t remember how long may be couple of months) they really did settle and match. You wouldn’t have thought so from early pics. I remember it because her pics put me off but was so relieved to see final result. Scroll down it will only be in the last couple of months and I’m sure the title will be obvious x


    thanks jenni ive been reading a lot of threads on here of girls with similar problems but a lot don’t give the outcome or update. I just don’t seen how they will ever look the same with out my right one essential sagging to match and as I wanted the faker look that’s the last thing I want to happen, and they’ll also be different at the top then. im rattling my brains trying to figure out how it could be corrected 🙁
    Ive spent £10k now with my previous lift and implants I dont feel its fair that im still not getting results I wanted

    Dazzelea 92

    It takes up to a year hun to get your final results you’ve got plenty of time for changes they change so much x


    I wont be waiting a year Dazzelea ? i know the take up to that to completely fully heal but if mine are this bad now i dread to think what a year will do. They cant possibly improve? Ones larger and “sagging” ones smaller and perky and also in a diff position altogether and that cant change with time ? i just want him to to tell me he wont leave me looking like this


    Hey hun. I’m exactly the same. I had areola reductions and implants. One boob was bigger and my surgeon reassured me that 325cc in each would be fine and that he would remove more tissue from the other. Apparently not… I can’t stop crying ?

    Claudine 196

    You won’t see updates, once ladies have reached a point where they are very unhappy their posts are removed are were not allowed to post, I’ve not posted in a year because I was told it’s better not to once customer care are dealing with you (the forum guidelines state different, it’s once your in a complaints process your not allowed to post) however I did refrain from posting, I’ve had my final response from them and have been refused revision, so I have posted a couple of times now, I’ve not broken any guidelines but my posts have still been removed x

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    Sam 5

    Omg why did they refuse a revision? Xx


    I think your results looks amaZing!!

    mrswilla1981 16

    Omg claudine. Why was you refused a revision?? Xx

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