Feelin very anxious .. Op on Sat!!! Started by: Holly

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  • Holly

    So now it’s less than a week away feeling abit anxious and second guessing my choice to have the BA!! Just putting it down to nerves as I’ve wanted one for years!!! Anyone want to reassure me? So glad this forum is here cuz even though friends/family are supportive they haven’t had surgery! X


    My op is Friday babe…I’m so excited.dw all will b fine I imagine lots of people.2nd.guess there selfs..ul be chuffed after so just battle tree xxx


    Hello babe,
    Mine is in 2 days – I had those feelings about a week prior
    My game plan is to go in and face it head on with a positive attitude – think of your great new boobs!
    And good luck xxx


    Hi Hun, I was the same. I had my op last tue, I was sooo nervous I thought about walking out but the staff were lovely and it’s the best thing I have ever done. I’ve wanted it for years. It’s natural to b nervous but it’s only about an hour on the op table then you’ll have the boobs you’ve always dreamed of x


    My op is the following wed (27th) I have been so determined up until now and the nerves and doubts have big time hit! I have lots going on at the moment with my husbands work/my work and kids hobbies/ parent teacher meetings 5 days post op. so am feeling guilty for being out of action for a week or so. I think @ashlee is right a positive attitude is key, so I am going to try very hard to”turn this frown upside down”


    Yep your all right thanks ladies! Think it’s only natural to be a little anxious! Probs cuz never had an op before aswell so that’s a little scary! But it will hopefully all be worth it 🙂 good luck to those who haven’t had it yet! Xx

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