Feeling a bit down (Family)… any other girls? Started by: salwa

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  • salwa 22

    Hey girls I just want to make sure I’m not the only one.

    I saved so hard for this and my parents agreed only because o paid I’m nearly 20. And ever since I’ve got it done they’ve been using it against me, and being judgemental about it and it really hurts. They get angry when there was a picture WITH no cleavage on show my mother kept going on about how much she could see them but they weren’t even on show!

    They’re angry because I got over excited and told people I was getting a boob job. I was just a little excited that’s all and I paid for them I should stand up for myself but now all I’m getting is grief. Making me feel guilty about it

    Sasha 5

    Urgh, I can kind of sympathise. My mum and dad have been mega supportive, but all I get from the in laws is why weren’t you just happy with what you had? I don’t see why you needed to change anything? It frustrates me, the reason I had my BA is because I lost nearly all my breast tissue feeding my two little boys. I was a natural 34DD before kids, and ended up a very empty C cup. I’m now in a 34E sports bra, but they aren’t big on me, I’m 5ft 8 and a size ten so the blend nicely. It annoys me because it’s every time they see me. Why?why?why? I’m about to crack and shout at them – because I bloody wanted to and it was my money so mind your own bloody business! Maybe screaming at them night actually work? X

    Emma 26

    Hey Hun, i wouldnt let this get you down too much, your parents are just from a completly different social background and generation, things have progressed so much in the last 20 years, the amount of skin on show nowadays is scary and were looks driven more than any other generation but its socially acceptable, but parents and older people still find it difficult to get there head around it, I think you need to sit down with your mum and dad, remind them you are an adult no matter how much they see you as there little girl, you sacrificed and worked hard to increase your self confidence and wellbeing so you should be entitled to be as you want to be and they should want you to be happy maybe find out what there problem is, and if they reply you was ok as you was remind them that was in there eyes not your own 🙂 hope this helps xxx

    Emma 26

    Oh and my husband seems to be having a bit of a wobble since i had my boobs done, he thinks im going to up sticks and find a new man lol i told him straight the problem wasnt me wanting a new man the problem was i had horrible boobs, now that problems fixed im happier than ever and hes happy now 🙂 xxx

    danielle 3

    Lol emma that made me laugh xxx not a single person in my family knows yet I’ll be in trouble when I tell them though and I’m 26

    Katrina 41

    When I read this, I tried to think how I may react if my son ever wanted any form of cosmetic surgery when he is older (don’t have a daughter) and I could imagine myself saying all the things a typical parent does ‘you’re perfect the way you are’ etc and I would feel a little upset I guess. Then I asked myself why and the reason for me would be….as a parent, I want to feel I can make my son happy when he is sad etc and ever knowing I couldn’t and that he was unhappy with how he looked, to a degree, I would feel I had failed in some way. There would also be the part of me that wondered ‘did I not make him feel perfect growing up or that it’s what’s on the inside that counts’ Obviously, none of this is necessarily the case and I would like to think I would be understanding but maybe I would take it personally in a way and the only fix I would have is talking and time. If I saw how happy it made him, I would hopefully start seeing the decision was about how he feels and not a reflection on me or anything to do with me at all. I would give it time but let your parents know if they upset you, as I am sure that is the last thing they want and they probably don’t even realise they are doing it. Good luck and hope things get easier x

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