Feeling anxious after tuberous breast consultation Started by: olivia

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  • olivia

    I had a consultation with an NHS breast surgeon for my tuberous breasts and he has advised that I need a combination of fat grafting and tissue expanders and then implants. He diagnosed me as having grade 2 tuberous breasts and to be honest i wasn’t expecting it to be so complicated, i will have to have the tissue expanders increased every 2 weeks and i’m worried about two lots of surgery so close together. Has anyone else had any experience of this? I have another appointment next week and i am so tempted to back out.


    Hey, have you been to any other surgeons? Maybe it best to get a few opinions to see what you actually need xx


    I haven’t been to see any other surgeons as this is the one I was referred to, I’m confused as he is an NHS surgeon so surely he wouldn’t reccommend things I didn’t actually need as he’s not profiting out of it? I’m just a bit shocked as my tuberous breasts aren’t the most severe and I have seen cases online similar to mine where they have been fixed without so much surgery and without tissue expanders. I’m just confused and I do feel like I would like a second opinion.

    Georgia 4

    Have you been to see a surgeon at MYA? i had tuberous .. i just had instrinsic release and implants and they’re fine x


    Hi Georgia, how did you get on with this? Did you have another consultation? Tbh i think it’s always worth trying another surgeon especially with someone like MYA where the consultation is free, to get another opinion. I have also been told I have grade II tuberous breasts, and have had 3 totally different opinions from the 3 surgeons I’ve seen so far! Although I do also have breast asymmetry to add to the mix as well so might be more complicated than you but I know how you feel about this whole process being surprisingly involved when others with smaller breasts can get a fantastic result and get dream boobs in one go! So just thought I’d share as I’m in a similar boat.

    My first consultation was with Mrs Lutz with MYA. She said she would recommend at least 2 ops(!) First op a reduction on my larger breast (one is large B cup one is A cup but there is a big difference!) and a lift where they sag a bit from pregnancy. Then second op put small implants in (she said she wouldn’t be happy with much larger than 200cc on me which is not what I wanted) then if I still wanted bigger implants consider a third op once skin had stretched. She did not mention expanders or intrinsic release for the tuberous shape. It took a while to get over what she’d said, something like ‘I know you are wishing for big round breasts but what you want is just that; a wish’ lol! So I went for more opinions and I’m glad I did so far!

    2nd consultation; Mr Mashhadi with MYA. He was detailed and thorough and his before and afters on tubular breasts look great on here! He also suggested expanders to stretch the tissue (I don’t know whether you also have the problem of not a lot of tissue and tight skin also?!) and then a second op for enlargement and uplift with implants. He also said he could potentially do 2 diff size implants with a lift and intrinsic release but said it would be a lot of work and no guarantee they will be symmetrical afterwards. He was very realistic with me and I found him to be much better than my first consultation.

    I’ve also just recently gone to see a third surgeon (not with MYA) who is a very experienced surgeon specialising in reconstructive breast surgery. He strongly recommended expanders for me too, but that was more because of the asymmetry. I thought I’d say because he mentioned a certain type of mentor saline expander implant which has a silicone skin, but once it’s been expanded to the right size it possible to just leave it in there with no second surgery! Might be worth looking into and talking to your NHS surgeon about if you want to avoid the second surgery.

    I think when you have tuberous breasts its defo worth getting more opinions until you reach your own conclusion!! I still haven’t decided yet! Hope it goes well for you hun xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines

    Hey, just wondering what recovery experience was like following intrinsic release? I am due to have my op in August over muscle implants 350/325cc. Thank you x

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