Feeling down :( Started by: Kirsty

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  • Kirsty -4

    Hey girls, sorry to start moaning but I just feel so fed up :(, I’m 5 weeks post op and I had a seroma found in my left boob at 10days po. Since then I’ve had it drained,I’ve wore a dressing on my scar because fluod was leaking out of it, I had to go to clinic every other day to get the dressings changed, I’ve been on medication. Anyway my surgeon he wants to leave me alone now and let my body absorb the last bit, my scar is no longer leaking but it looks like fluid is trapped in it. The nurse said that should re absorb, but my main moan is how different my left boob looks. It looks so much rounder and higher :(, I just don’t know what to do. I know because of the seroma it will be behind in recovery, and that bost boobs recover differently but I don’t want to leave it if it could be something serious. Any advice girls? Xxx


    Ah sorry your feeling like that, I don’t have any experience to give advice but big hugs (((())))) every step so far for me I seem to worry about everything, just wish I could fast forward a few months xx


    Aw Kirsty, same here I’ve no advice to give other than I’m sure your surgeon will make sure you’re happy with your final result and they should eventually catch up to each other. I’m nearly 8 weeks post op and my left is still a bit higher than the other and doesn’t look as good as my right but in my bra you can’t really tell. Big hugs too xx

    tracey 2

    You have had a tuff time with it all hun but don’t forget everyone on here is here to help if u need it.. Im ur that it being higher and rounder is to do with it being slower to drop than the other one other wise the surgeon or nurse would have picked up on it by now.?

    Kirsty -4

    Thank girls. Your support means alot :). I saw the nurse last Tuesday and she said it will be higher because its like 2 weeks behind the right in recovery time, doesn’t stop you worrying though does it 🙁 xxxx


    Definitely Kirsty, mine are different too, and I haven’t had the set back of a seroma. I’m sure that’s what it is. Probably at the 3 month mark they will b both the same. Looking at your last pics, I can see that they are evening up and can barely see the difference, but you will be the most critical of your own body and will notice the difference more. Chin up chick, it’s so hard to be patient, and at least that awful business of the seroma is over, and you escaped extra surgery. Take care honey, your boobies look great x

    ducky01 4

    Couldn’t agree more with anyone. You can only try your best to stay positive & not to be critical of your boobies- they’re a new part of you now, something you weren’t happy with to begin with so your bound to get impatient sometimes, it’s only natural hun just try not to beat yourself up you’ve been through a lot. Head up honey embrace those bazingas xxx


    Lol ducky! X x x

    Kirsty -4

    Thanks girls :), haha ducky!!. They have changed from my most recent pics and look even more uneven now, I’d show you all but it’s still not working grrrr. Xxx

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