I had my b/a last sunday and ive always wanted big boobs not just a pair of boobs that look good for my shape and size (which i did make this quite clear several times) and my size is 5ft size 6-8. I was given the choice of 340,380 and 410cc overs which was the biggest i was allowed to go therfor i didnt even try to push for a bigger size. When i tryed the implants on the 410cc seemed huge on me and was even worrying was they going to be too big but i made my mind up and wanted the 410. Im annoyed at my self that i now didnt even try to push for a bigger size. I now just feel really upset that they dont even look that big i keep crying because i know im not going to be able to afford another b/a for a long time but at the same time i feel so ungratefull and that im a moaning cow but i cant help feeling this way. I’ve read loads off people say they change so much and sometimes they even get bigger but i just cant see this happening if anything im sure they will get smaller, does anyone else feel like this or is it just me xxx