Feeling guilty spending so much on yourself? Started by: HEATHER

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  • HEATHER 11

    Can i ask please has anyone experienced guilt for either saving or financing breast implants. I have children, bills etc etc and even though this is something ive wanted for years and am in a place to do next year im feeling lots of guilt spending this on what will be myself basically. I keep thinking of all the things i could buy the kids, the house or extra i could pay off bills, just major guilt!. This is something ive wanted for over 14 years, am i being silly? Thanks xx

    Tiffany 20

    Hi Healther, I don’t think so at all! Yes it’s alot of money, but if it’s something that gets you down regularly then I’d always say go for it! I’m sure your children don’t go without so what’s the harm in doing something for yourself.
    I was the same & felt guilty for spending the cash when I could have put down a deposit on a house, but sometimes you need to be selfish & do something for you!!! Xx

    Steph 31

    Honestly i can totally relate to this, I’ve been wanting a boob job for 12 years since having my first born 10 years ago then my second 6 years ago I’ve always went without and put them first but i was always unhappy about myself anyway i came into a little bit of money so thought this is it I’m going to do what I’ve always wanted and that was to go and get my boobs done i went ahead and paid it upfront 2 days later it kicked right in and i was sat there crying my eyes out thinking i was so selfish but i was constantly depressed about my chest any way I’m 1wpo and it’s the best decision I’ve made I feel so happy but I’ve just booked Disneyworld for the kids and they find out on Xmas day so i don’t feel as bad now lol.
    Aslong as you have paid your bills, work a d your kids go don’t go without and there’s food in the cupboards don’t beat yourself up about it honest. We need to be a little selfish us Mother’s need to treat ourselves now and again x

    Sbowdell 15

    I feel exactly the same I am married with 2 children and don’t want to feel guilty about spending that amount of money on myself. My husband has recently said he would like a new car but knows he can’t have one because all our spare money will be taken up saving for my op. Unfortunately sometimes you do have to be a little selfish and it’s obviously something you have been thinking about for a long time and you deserve to feel happy about the way you look! Go for it

    Kelly 8

    I’m quite lucky I have the funds to pay in full, but when the day came to hand over the cash I felt really guilty that a big chunk of money was being spent on a want rather than a need.. if that makes sense. Aslong has your bills are paid and the kids are fed why not this is my reward to myself and I’ve waited years and surgery Is 4th jAn can’t wait think the guilt feeling is pretty normal has with most large purchases x

    HEATHER 11

    Thanks everyone. I saved a while ago then had the guilt hit in and spent it on the house. I know after this pregnancy they will be like balloons that were once blown up then just totally deflated. Ive always veen conscious and since having kids and now having stretchmarks im feeling worse. I know this would benefit me in more than just having nice boobs. What is it about being a parent though?? we work hard, all our bills are paid and id definately never let the kids go without. I feel guilty buying clothes from primark once a year, I just feel selfish. We could do with a better car, a new sofa, new this new that. Some weeks im focused but now im nearly saved and want to get it done easter time im having doubts, i mean i suppose some (most) people would see it as vanity. I dont think my husband quite gets it either. Its nice to hear im not the only one feeling like this. I never take to forums but this is really bothering me. xx

    Steph 31

    Remember you can always make money it comes and goes xx

    HEATHER 11

    Your right Steph and im thinking you only live once. Its too short to be miserable if you can do something about it. Besides santas bringing too much as usual so
    i might overdo presents to justify it to myself ???? x


    Hi chick.

    Don’t feel guilty. You are a mummy but you’re still an individual person. I can guarantee your children are well looked after and want for nothing. I went through similar thoughts when I had my op too (I have 2 children)

    Life is too short to be unhappy xxx

    HEATHER 11

    Thanks ABO. Now the cars developed a fault and im thinking shud i spend it on a newer car. But im thinking thats a bit of tin and i want to try and be happy in my skin before i die miserable lol!!! Kids are spoilt, were not rich but id never have them go without for myself and they get LOADS of love and cuddles. Think you loose yaself sometimes, and loose ya own self worth if you know what i mean. The guilt things doing my head in cos ano if i spend it on something else ill never save it again and ill be unhappy xx

    Kimberley 17

    I’m currently saving for this aswell. And also feel the same. I’m 26 now and wanted this since 16years old it’s not something I’ve considered lightly. I’ve done lots of research. My boys will always get what they need as I’m sure you would do the same. However this is something that gets me rather depressed a lot. I’m an a/b and with no bra I look like I have no boobs 🙁 think about it… the happier you are the more that will reflect in your home life. Hope I helped. Just don’t feel guilty about it. Our children will always come 1st but sometimes our happiness is important aswell! X

    Claire 40

    I think everyone feels and thinks the same, My kids are 18 and 15 and have never gone without we are not rich but I do lots of overtime save even took on a second job, I paid cash for my op after I paid I felt really guilty I knew we wanted new windows on the house and driveway, the kitchen needs doing, but I thought sod it the kids have always been my number one the house will always need money spending on it, but sod it now its my turn so in sept I turned 40 and I had my operation October, I have good and bad boob days but honestly its the best thing I did, I no longer feel any guilt, x


    Plenty of time to buy a new car. It’s so easy to loose yourself when you become a mum and it’s really important you remember who you are and to do things for yourself. Good luck for your op beautiful xx

    HEATHER 11

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    Thanks everyone, i was reassured but ive come back to this topic to ask you……so here goes. Our cars a good runner, old but works, anyways its developed a fault and fingers crossed it can be fixed. However, if it cant do i use my breast savings?? I work very hard and i also do EVERYTHING in the house and for the kids. My husband works, but thats where he draws the line (like men do). Im on the go 24/7 and two of our children have additional needs so its not a walk in the park. This is the one thing i want doing for me. I havent told him ive saved up because i reckon when the time comes he wont support me, he is very “yeah yeah” attitude about it, so to save arguments and judgements ive just kept quiet. Now i feel like a right one because i have saving which ive burst my guts for and know ill never be able to do again which could get us a new car instantly. Any views would be greatly appreciated. I suffer with very low confidence and yes a new car is good but ill probably be miserable in my skin. Thanks girls and sorry for babbling on xoxo

    Tiffany 20

    No matter when you decide to do this, something will always need money putting into it.
    It sounds like you more than deserve to spend this money on yourself – you’ve earned it, you spend it!
    There was so many other things my money could have gone on, & the cost of my op could have gone on a deposit for a house that we’ve been trying save up for for years. I worked hard for that money knowing what I wanted & I made sure that it went on that! (exactly the same as my partner would do too). I have never thought of my decision as being selfish, if I didn’t spend it in one go, then it would of gone on pointless things over the year that I wouldn’t of even remembered about now.
    I’m sure if your husband wanted something as much as you want this, he would find a way to have it.
    Best decision I ever made & you’ll think so too! Xx

    HEATHER 11

    My husband is very much into designer clothes and shoes and buys lots of supplements and exercise equipment. I wear Primark and go about once a year and spend £100, thats my blow out. I dont do hairdressers, or fake nails or makeup really. Dont smoke, all my money goes on bills and my kids. I just know if the car has to go (me being my usual self and expecting the worst) then we will be without one for a few months. My husbands no idea ive been saving. I cant be chewed with the aggro. Im just gonna tell him ive got a loan when the time comes. He doesnt get it. Were gonna have 4 kids under 4 in the new year. His body is lovely as always. Mine isnt. Tummys got stretchmarks and my boobs will be AA again once theyve gone back down. I do feel selfish and vain because it isnt essential i get this done its just something id love x

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