Feeling like I’m too small (380cc) Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly 5

    I’m such an impatient person and I hate that the biggest part of this process is waiting and waiting for the final results. Been starting to feel like I picked a size that was too small, but I don’t know if it’s just normal boob greed or not? I was a tiny 32A before so realistically I should be happy with anything but does anybody else feel like this?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Kelly 5.
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    Jaclyn 41

    Absolutely feel the same. 350cc. 6weeks po and just getting smaller ?

    Holly 4

    They look great Kelly.
    I also feel the same. When I met the surgeon pre op he took photos of me with the implant in while wearing a vest just to give me an idea what it would look like but I swear mine are so much smaller than that. I was B cup before so had 400cc overs and I’m 10 days post op, be surprised if I fill a D cup !
    I’m also trying to be patient but i can’t imagine they are going to drop and fluff as much as what id want them to 🙁


    I feel the same got 300cc hp partials 2 weeks ago and when I tried them on they before seugery they felt perfect size but now feel like they are getting smaller by the day. If it carries on like this for the 6 weeks I’ll be lucky to be a C cup. Hoping it’s just until they reach the drop and fluff stage x


    I feel the same way. My surgeon had me take a picture with the sizer and said that would be accurate to what they would look like now I’m almost 6 weeks out and they are so much smaller. The top pic is currently and the bottom is with the sizer. Anyone know if this is normal and they will fill out like the sizer? I got 400 mpp unders.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Bailey.
    Sarah Shep 7

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Look perfect size x


    I feel the same. I’m 5 weeks post op and feel they are so small. I was a small B before. I had 350CC which was what the surgeon suggested. They’ve got smaller as the weeks have gone on.

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    @Nicola I have my surgery in a few weeks time and my surgeon said the max he could go is 350 CC and I a a small B too. Now i am scared this is way too small for me. Have yours dropped and fluffed now?

    Scar18 6

    I always regretted going too small and I had 400cc.
    Waited ten years and had them redone last weekend to 700cc

    Sarah 1

    I think they look amazing!

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