Feeling nervous/discouraged Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 31

    Hi girls,

    I received a text today to say my original PC has left and I have a new one. They gave me her number but I’ve not been able to get through.

    I paid my deposit on Saturday and my original PC had arranged a discount, when she sent my care plan through the price was wrong, so I called her back and she said she would send me out a new plan this week. Obviously now she’s left I’m feeling really anxious about the fact the price is wrong on the care plan I currently have and I haven’t been sent a new one.

    I’ve tried to call the Manchester clinic but it keeps ringing to voicemail too. I feel slightly messed around to be honest. They could have at least called me regarding my PC changing, I just don’t think it’s really professional just to send a quick text. I’m really worried about them turning round and saying the price is what it is on my original care plan because that will mean I’ll have to change my date :/

    Hayley 21

    Who was your PC? They should still honour the price. Ring the main number off the website they should be able to help I spoke to them yesterday x

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