feeling sorry for myself :( Started by: mel

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  • mel

    So I’m 3 and a half weeks post op after having uplift and implants and I now have an infection in my t junction incision,its actually more painful than the procedure itself 🙁 anyone else had similar and what was the advice of care u was given? x

    Vickie 5

    I had this too hun. After about 12 days I picked my daughter up n felt sharp pain in my incision!. Both sides started bleeding but one side didn’t heal n started oozing. I got really sharp, burning pains in it too. It’s took 3 weeks for it to scab over and stop oozing!. The main thing is to keep it dry as possible. Get some alcohol wipes and wipe it once a day.

    It really is depressing. It’s my left boob that hasn’t healed and I’m left handed so not sure if it’s connected. Xx


    I think this happened when I picked my daughter up on Tuesday, sharp pain and burning sensation but it didn’t bleed thank god! Now its really sore and red and oozing,I have antibiotics and wipes and dressings,just a bit disheartened as was feeling really good x


    Hey! It got me too…incisions were looking great and all healed over, then all of a sudden one started weeping at the end and became really sore at 4 weeks. Am gutted as have been so careful! Caught it early so have antibiotics and some iodine strapped to it. The nurses were amazing and saw me immediately, they said to keep dry for 5 days and will heal up. Thought I was out of te danger zone as had been showering etc with no problems for three weeks. Hope you start to feel better soon ladies!! Xx

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