Feeling stressed!!! Started by: Flo

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  • Flo 19

    Hi girls,

    This is my first post, I’m currently consultation stage and feeling very stressed! I had my first one this week and have been recommended 450 HP overs which shocked me as I have always had it in my head I would have unders/partials. Also quite surprised about the size of implant, I was thinking about 400, I said I wanted to be no smaller than a DD. I have another consultation next week with mr Kazzazi so I’m interested to see what he thinks. My stats are size 10, small 32 B, I’ve had two children so they are a little squishy now haha!

    I just want to make sure I make the right decision as I’ve been waiting for this for years. I’ve done so much research about placement since my consultation and I’m still sure I would prefer unders/partials.

    Any advice would be appreciated, I’ll try attach a pic. I also have one slightly bigger than the other so do you think I would need different size implants?


    Flo 19

    Try again..

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    Danielle 18

    Hey flo is so confusion i was recommend 350 overs by one. Told unders by another and partials by another. In the end i went with the surgeon. So i did my reasearch on the surgeons and went with the one who i thought was best with me. Think you know when you meet them. I did. X

    Flo 19

    I never realised how confusing it was! Do you mind me asking what you went for in the end? And what size you were/are?


    Katie 69

    Hi flo

    My stats are 4ft11, 8st 10 and a size 10 your before are identical to mine (I have no kids)

    I have been offered 500cc which I’m going for ( surgeon has ordered 450,475 and 500 and will see which one fits on the day) also they will be hp dual plane (partials) I don’t think you get a choice what placement you have as it depends what you are starting with.i am an A on top and B on the bottom!

    Op is Thursday 19th with mr Netri at Preston. Can’t wait!!!

    Let us know how you go on with surgeon


    Danielle 18

    Hi flo i went for under the musle for a more natrual look and i had one boob bigger then the other so i have 400 and 425. As i am 6ft and size 14 broad shouders ive gone from a 34a to a 34dd natural look. High profile. I just believed from meeting dr fiumara that shes was the person right for me. I think u just know which one as i didnt want overs in case they looked fake and partials i didnt feel i had enough boob just to have that. Plus looking at surgeons work finally helped me to decide. X

    Flo 19

    Katie- oh wow I look forward to seeing your results. Do you have an idea what cup size you might be after surgery? I honestly thought I didn’t have enough tissue to take overs especially 450, obviously I’m no expert though haha. Very excited to see what mr kazzazi has to say.

    Daniellle- how has your recovery been? I’m really hoping I’m one of the lucky ones and get back to normal asap as my youngest is only 1 and is a total mummy’s girl!


    Katie 69

    Erm to be honest I have no idea haha! I told mr Netri I wasn’t too fussed about what cup size I would be as long as they look nice and full ! I’m soooo excited!!


    Rhian 19

    I originally wanted overs purely because I’d heard such horror stories of the recovery from unders. Though on the day I left it up to my surgeon as he knows best. He gave me unders. My recovery was amazing and now I’m really pleased I got unders, it should prolong the life of them as there’ll be less sagging after having a big implant when I had a decent size anyway. I got 500cc UHP and I’m currently measuring at 32HH but only five weeks post op so I’m expecting everything to change especially when they fluff xx

    Flo 19

    Yeah I’ve also heard some horror stories with the recovery of unders. Pleased you have had a good recovery though! That’s one of things that puts me off overs, the potential sagging, I’m only 27 so want to prolong the life of my boobs for as long as I can! Do you have any photos? Xxx

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