few differwnt questions alot of u may have questiones urself :) Started by: kelly

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  • kelly 1

    So here goes….. I quite smoking day before my op , its been one week tomorrow and still bit smoked very proud of myself but i know ill start again, and wanted to know what these vapour/e cigs are any good and safe whilst healing?

    in having my strapping off tomorrow thank god, ive loosened it a touch myself its so tight, i know we have to wear sports. Bras but has anyone wore a bra the odd day in between ?

    finished all my tabs yesterday , will my swelling imof stomach go down now u think…

    also how long after can u have a drink, i had my op last wed 22nd, finished my tabs yesterday, will i be ok to have a glass of wine soon.

    haha curious as to all thanks girlies x


    I stoped the dsy b4. Ive got one ov them elites x

    kelly 1

    Ooo and do you use it while in recovery??? IM a week tomorrow have my strapping off too am i safe to use e light or vapour xx

    Whitney 1

    Hi hun when I had my pre op the nurse said the electric cig are ok, but iv ended up quiting altogether nearly 3 week now and my op is tomorrow! Xx


    Im using vapour one. The nurse said they are okay to use. I only had my op on sunday x

    kelly 1

    Oooo ok guys i know there’s an e cig and a vapour in quite edging towards the vapour. Well done on quitting Hun i quit the day before surgery so smoke free a week today, but i know come to ha e a wine soon ill go buy fags so i want a vapour there ready haha x

    Francesca -1

    FYI, wearing a normal bra when you have incisions healing is going to burn xx

    AllyH 2

    Stay off them. It gets easier every day and you’re over the worse now. One day at a time, then one week, one month 🙂 I stopped 14 years ago and would never go back to them. You totally smell gross, your clothes etc without even realising it. Well done on quitting and go for it 🙂 xx

    kelly 1

    Aww thanks , yes in very pleased with myself, and yes franchesca id have thought that but just wanted to have a peek at what they look like in a bra, i have no patience lol. Anyone know if we can colour our hairs?

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