Few questions if you could help please Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy 26

    Hi girls,
    I had my pre op last night and I’m even more excited now, 4 weeks to go ?
    Did anyone who’s had their op at Preston have acrylic nails on? The nurse told me u can’t have them on but I was just wondering if they just say that but then it doesn’t matter, I’ve had acrylics on constantly for years haha but I know I’d probably be stupid to risk my op being cancelled for that.

    Anyone who’s bought a Macom….does anything on the packaging give away what it is when it’s delivered? Just coz I want to order one tonight and still live with my mum but I’m not actually telling her about the op until next week…does it say Macom on the parcel or anything or is it just plain?
    Also the nurse said no sex for 6 weeks as its classed as light exercise or not so light depending on how you do it hahaha what would you post op girls say about this? and do u have to be really careful for ages when u do do it?

    Last thing…if anyone could show me their results with 300 – 350cc that would amazing as I can’t decide!! I’ve seen some amazing results with 300/325 but you just never know how they’re gonna look on you and people keep saying go with the biggest of the range but what I’m worried about with choosing the bigger ones is them looking great at first but then after like 1 year + starting to sag and no ones mentioned anything about the quality of my skin but I feel the skin on my boobs is quite thin so just worried with the 350s it might stretch my skin and sag after a while. I’m having unders tho, do you think I’m just worrying too much?

    Thanks in advance for your help x

    Angie 26

    Hi Lucy haven’t had my op yet but yes your surgery would be cancelled as they monitor the colour of your nails you can’t even wear clear nail varnish. The packaging from Macom has Macom on it. I asked my nurse about sex she said nothing for 2 weeks the other four weeks you will have to make a shopping list in your head or anything else that will stop you getting excited ? And your partner definately can’t touch your new boobies at all. Hope this helps xx

    Lucy 26

    @angieca thank you that’s a big help! I hadn’t even thought about sex until she mentioned it in my pre op , when is it ok to be normal during sex then like when he can grab them n stuff haha ? would that have to wait until like 6 months+ later ? X

    Angie 26

    @lucy I think it’s just the 6 weeks that’s all she mentioned anyway I don’t think hubby would last 6 months lol xx

    Samantha 20

    I can’t remember the packaging my macom came in, but I had 350cc Partials 3 weeks ago and have photos on my profile if you are interested! 🙂 xx

    Lucy 26

    I’ve added you, thanks hun x

    Anna 40

    Hey Hun, I had 350 ultra high profile under the muscle, there’s pictures on my profile And feel free to ask me anything ☺️x

    keeno 18

    @lucy I had 375cc hp unders 4weeks ago in London pics on my profile- had gels on my nail and they didn’t say anything about it – just make sure your toes nails have no nail varnish on them at least xx

    Donna 12

    I had my acrylics soaked off , I just had them redone the following week x

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