Finally!!! Started by: Amy Elizabeth

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    Finally have my nurse appointment today to have this mega tight sticky strapping removed!!! So I can wear my macom! I’m a little nervous I think it’s going to hurt but il have to deal with the pain and get this awful thing taken off so I can finally see my new boobies!! Xxx

    Ele Wills 69

    Ahhh congrats bet you can’t wait I didn’t have any strapping and I’m so glad now from all the posts I’ve read ha xxx

    sharon 13

    Arrr congrats I wish mine was coming off today mines Thursday feeling so tight hoping the pain is reduced once it gets removed dreading coming off its stuck like glue lol can’t wait to see my boobs xxxx

    riya85 15

    Awww bless, I can’t wait mine to be taken off. It’s on Saturday, long wait. This strapping is so tight. And it’s getting very itchy too. Hope you have amazing results xx. Pics please x.


    Hi girls thanks for your messages I defo can’t wait mine is stuck like glue too!! I will post pics up later today my appointment is at 12!
    Mine is that tight that my shoulders are not relaxed if that makes sence and there like raised haha does that make any sence!? Roll on 12!!!! And good luck girls hope you all get the results you wish for Xxxxx


    Omggg so lucky! Mines tomorrow good luck babe!!


    Thanks Jess can’t wait!! Good luck with yours tomorrow too,let me know how u get on! I’m nervous eeek x x x

    Faye 5

    Ah hope they’re everything you hoped when the strapping come off but remember it’s still very early days! I have to wear my strapping for 3 weeks??? I didn’t go through Mya and mines only been on since Friday and it’s irritating me! Mines like hypafix tape so although not as thick as yours equally as tight and annoying! Good luck xx

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