Finally met Dr Fiumara!! So happy!!! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Today Was The day I was meeting my surgeon Dr Linda Fiumara!! I’m so happy!!
    I’m 5ft 2 8st 12 and was looking to go From 34A to a C maybe D cup, so after all my research and help on here I had an idea of 250-275 HP unders!! And Linda examined me and she suggests 275 HP unders!!! Maybe even 300 I was so happy! She has decided 275 in right and 300 in left to fix slight asymmetry which shocked and worried me as I was paranoid I would have one boob obviously looking bigger than the other until she showed me the implants!
    She threw me a little by saying I had excess skin that maybe would require a slight uplift – I got a bit shocked and nervous at first. Linda then recommended that I get my implants and let them settle then see how I feel about the uplift. She said they will only be bigger versions of what I have now. Iv never really noticed anything bad about the way they are now other than the face they are so small!!
    I took a good friend of mine who recently had her boobs done with Dr Andrea, she was really supportive and helped with my questions too!!
    Dr Fiumara was fab and I’m so happy and it feels real now!!
    Roll on 30th Jan!!! Xxx


    That’s great news hun! I had Linda in December and I’m a month post op now. Feel free to lool at my progress as I had a mini uplift with 325 under the muscle

    Lou 101

    I met Dr Fiumara yesterday for first time too at Cardiff.

    I had no idea on sizing – just know I don’t want huge boobs, just more than I have now (that’s not hard!)
    She suggested 350 mod to mod + unders.

    Good luck with your op.

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    I had Dr. Fiumara on 7th November and I had 325&350cc HP rounds. Feel free to add me to see my pictures. I also have an Instagram page which you’re welcome to follow just send me a message so I know who you are 🙂


    Hi Imogen I hav just requested to follow you if thats ok! I’m LornaEstelle88! Thanks so much!

    Aww Lou I was in cardiff yesterday too!! thank you good luck too!!

    Thanks fran your pictures are great and so informative! I love this forum I had learnt so much xxx

    Lou 101

    I’ve requested you x


    Hi Lou, accepted 🙂 xxx

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