Finance help please Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie 279

    Im new to the forum so been reading through a few posts but can’t come across anyone asking the same as me.. Basically i have saved up two thousand five hundred £ so around half the amount of the procedure cost. I wanted to finance the rest. Everyone who’s put down a large figure to start off with is financing the rest over a 10 month period? i won’t be able to afford that option though so was hoping i could opt for the 48 month plan but is that possible? Thanks

    Jodie 43

    I’m on the 10 month finance plan but I had to pay £500 deposit to secure my space. Now I have to pay half of the total cost of my procedure 1 month before my actual op. You can do a 24 month plan but it’s not 0% so you’ll end up paying quite a bit more on top xx

    Ellie 279

    thank you. i called them this morning she said i could pay the rest off over 4 years but the apr will be 19.9% I’m sure she said..also its going in my partners name but he has car finance already out under his name does anyone know if this will effect the finance with Mya? really need to get accepted for the finance..

    Kelly 20

    @ellie2015 Apparently MYA can be quite strict with finance. Ive paid up front then paying £2.5k off on finance over 2 years though and I got accepted.

    Good luck

    Ellie 279

    ah i hope so. I’ve heard there strict as well. thats why I’m putting it in my partners name but his just got his car out on finance last month and hoping this won’t effect it?! glad to hear you got accepted though 🙂

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