Finance help! What happens next Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie 279

    Ah my partner applied for my finance as he had to put details in that I never knew so handed the computer over to him. Anyway he said he got accepted n I was happy about it n just left it as I can’t go ahead with my surgery get anyway as I’m getting my tonsils removed next week and surgery is on hold. Anyway my PC called me today and said she can’t see that it’s gone through she can’t see any application at all. I’ve got to apply again tonight and this time I’m gunna do it but my PC said something about it asking for the deposit which I haven’t put into his bank yet (im putting down £2,450 deposit) so when I do the application will it ask for any payments? Or does it just say accepted and that’s it? Totally lost now lol xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    I applied initially just to see if I was accepted after consultation with PC, then I waited a couple of weeks until I saw the surgeon to pay my deposit! I just got a confirmation email to say I had been accepted and then got reminder emails that I’d need to pay a deposit at some point xx

    Ellie 279

    So if I apply, get accepted and then go see my surgeon and for some reason things don’t feel right am I obliged to pay anything after that? Like would it affect his credit score if I didn’t pay the deposit? Sorry I’m asking so much I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know the answers lol thanks for your reply xx

    Xx..A..xX 81

    I don’t think you are obliged, they stopped chasing me after a few days! And I don’t think you sign your contract bit until you put your deposit down. But please don’t quote me on it as I’m not 100% sure! It’s with pay4later, so suppose you could always give them a ring?! Xx

    Ellie 279

    Oh yeah good idea going to ring them tomorrow before I do it.. My PC said she can fit me in end of February so really want to get it all sorted 🙂 thanks for all your answers x

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