First consultation …. Started by: Ashleigh

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    Hiya 😀
    I have my first consultation with Mya on Tuesday ! I’m so excited.
    Do any of you have any advice for me? Any particular questions I should ask….
    Thank you x


    Hi I had mine on Tuesday too in Manchester. I’ve got my surgeon appointment on wed (eek!) I’m kind of in the same boat so no advice to offer. Good luck though and I’ll report how it goes. I was really nervous after my initial consultation thinking what am I doing? But I am feeling a little excited now.


    Hi, thanks for writing. So you had your initial consultation then the next stage is a surgeon appointment?
    Do you have the surgeon appointment after you agree to go ahead with the procedure ?
    How did your consultation go?


    Hi .. I had my surgeon consultation this week just gone basically he told me what the pros and cons are and risks. He also gives u sizes which you try with ur co-ordinator in a sports bra. You also have to show him your breasts whilst he measures you and I asked him whether he would put them over or under the muscle and whether he thinks I am at risk of rippling? Just ask whatever u can think of really they’re happy to help! I did forget to ask one question which was do you lose any volume when the implants are in cause I read somewhere that u lose 20% of the implant when it’s under the muscle but I don’t no if this is true or if it’s the same if there over the muscle. But there’s some kind of ideas for u x

    Amy 19

    I have mine on Tuesday too so this post will be helpful 🙂 which one you going to hun? Xx


    Hi yes it was just to meet with the patient coordinator. To be honest I did feel like it was a bit of a waste of time as usually once you make the appointment you’ve kind of made your mind up you want to go through with the procedure. She basically just asked me what I wanted to achieve and showed me some before and after pictures and then got me booked in for the surgeons consultation so I felt a little bit deflated (excuse the pun). I guess it’s a great opportunity to go through any questions you have and fully understand the procedure. I have been researching for a while now though and was expecting more but I guess that’s what the surgeons appointments for and they want you to be sure before wasting a surgeons time if its just info you’re after?


    Thanks Amy there’s a couple of questions I’ve added to my list 🙂


    Ah thanks for the replies 🙂
    I’ll make sure to ask the question for you Amy! When you meet with the surgeon, do you book the op then? X
    Amy- I am going to the clinic in Bristol. How about you ? X
    Lisa – yeah I have been researching for a while too! Just want to get it booked in really. Did the patient coordinator try you with implants in a sports bra ? x

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