first consultation? Started by: sarah

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  • sarah 1

    hi there i have just joined up to this, i have my first consultation for my boob job on saturday very excited and nervous 🙂 cant wait to just have boobs and fit into a bra and have a bikini on 😀 could people just let me know what they do at the consultation please 🙂 x


    At the initial consultation you will meet your personal coordinator and she will discuss with you what procedure you would like, when you’re thinking of having it, if you have thought about how you will pay for it etc. If you are happy, then she will book you in to see a surgeon on another date which is when you will get all the real info! I have my surgeon consultation on Thursday – one step closer to boobs! x

    sarah 1

    THANK YOU! I am soo scared been wanting boobs for soo long!! but i cant get them untill next year so going to see if i can get finance first, but i havent got a job at the moment soo dont think i can and good luck on getting boobs 😛 x


    Haha me too! I was going to wait until next year and save up but I am too impatient so just need my deposit of £500+ and then will go for finance probably if I get accepted. If I don’t get accepted then I will have to save up half and then do the rest over 10 months interest free with MYA as that is something they do offer. x

    sarah 1

    oh yeah well thats good 🙂 i just soo cant wait 😛 x

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