First consultation Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 31


    I had my first consultation today. Found it to be great, I’ve been matched with Dr Traynor which I’m very happy about and have decided to go down the piggy bank route.

    But the price wasn’t discussed at the appointment nor is it on the sheet in my information pack. Will this be discussed at my surgeon appointment or should I call them? Asking about the price totally slipped my mind while I was there! I went for a consultation a couple of years ago and they just wrote it down and put it in my info pack. I’m a little confused!

    Trace 158

    Your surgeon won’t know the prices, it’s your coordinator who should have told you so that’s not good lol!

    Give her a call and make sure you ask about late space 🙂 xx

    Charlotte 31

    Thank you! I thought it was a bit weird! I’ll give her a call tomorrow thank you 🙂 x

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