FIRST FEW DAYS POST-OP Started by: Christy

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  • Christy 9

    Hi girls!

    Had my op on Friday and just wondering how other people generally felt in this time? I feel so bloated and huge and my chest is so tight still! Started feeling sick today too. When has it began to ease off for people?

    Christy xxx


    Oh I need the answer to this too lovely! I’m 3 days post op and I am losing the will! I have taken tramadol today for the pain and feel completely out of it! Lots of people have said day 4 is the turning point! Good luck xxxx

    Christy 9

    I feel terrible!! Just feeling sick and completely out of it, hearings going funny as well now which is worrying me. Can’t wait to get back to normal! Good luck to you too lovely! xxxx


    You’ll be like this for about a week it’s awful isn’t it:( especially getting out of bed xxx

    ClairC 4

    I’m 3 days post op and I think it was the meds and side effects of those making me feel sick and dizzy and out of it, feeling a little better today besides the tight chest which must be normal. So is the bloat I believe! Each day should get easier for us all I hope!!

    Christy 9

    A week! 🙁 Hope the time flies, I’m just going to keep taking the co-codamol so I don’t have to be awake through it it absolutely knocks me out!! How long ago was yours? @bekkilee93

    Christy 9

    I’m 2 days in – only just started feeling sick and properly out of it but too scared to reduce the painkillers incase my chest pain goes worse! Not sure if my chest is swelling up and going down throughout the day as well because my bra feels really tight sometimes then not so bad other times. Can’t wait to get back to normal! @clairc


    Omg so glad I read this my op was Friday and I’ve not stopped being sick, I am so so bloated ????????????????

    ClairC 4

    I was being sick the whole day after the op, literally every time I moved!


    I’m 8 weeks on Monday I had 365cc under , I tried to come off the cocodamol after a few days cos I was so constipated I could of cried 🙁 my coxits were the worst I was in agony from sat up all the time , the next few weeks will fly by don’t worry xxx

    Gemma B 95

    I was in lots of pain for 2days, then just a bit sore and tight, by 5dpo I was pretty much pain-free, with most arm movement back. I was up and about doing all of my housework, feeling fine (although I did end up having a mid afternoon nap!). Woke up today, and aside from not being able to lift my arms over my head, I feel great!
    Everyone’s different, but I only had a couple of bad days, pretty much back to normal by 6dpo. Hang in there xxx

    Dazzelea 92

    Hey girl constipation from all the drugs can make you feel like this xx

    Gemma B 95

    I got some lactulose, and I was drinking a fair bit of fresh orange juice, so I put a touch of lactulose in each glass. Helped me go regularly. Also just started taking aqua ban for the water retention x

    Stacey 30

    I struggled massively for 2 days with absolute agony!! Taking oralmorph constantly just to knock me out!!
    My turning point where I had hardly no pain and back to doing everything other than a few things like hoovering and ironing and picking kids up was day 9!! Still a little sore but definitely eased!! Xx


    How upright am I meant to sleep? Like I’m propped up with a pregnancy pillow but how up is up?? I keep causing myself pain by doing normal movements & I keep feeling like I’m going to rip my scars open!!

    Gemma B 95

    I sleep with 1pillow vertical, a v pillow in front and another normal pillow across the top. Then I have a travel neck pillow. I’ve been sleeping on the sofa, propped in the corner. I was told about 45 degrees. The neck pillow has been my savior, slept great since I tried it out xxx

    Paige 6

    Hang in there girls I was exactly the same and kept saying I wish I had never done it, I stopped taking pain relief at 5days and it made me feel better and less bloated by about Day 7 things were much better I am two weeks post op tomorrow and feeling fine just a little sore in the mornings still xx

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