First Surgeon Consultation Started by: Emily

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  • Emily 1

    Hi girls !

    I just wanted to know what your first surgeon consultations were like? I’m having Dr Traynor and been warned that he is very straight with you. Will it just be Dr Traynor and I in the room when I try on sizers? I’m also hoping to have lipo too so I’ll probably have all of my top half on show. I’ve not let anyone see my breasts so I’m really scared 🙁

    LAURA 6

    I was the same Hun, never showed anyone apart from my partner. I did have someone else in the room, worked for MYA and was taking notes.. Then gave me a form to sign at the end.
    They are all really lovely so you could probably just ask them to leave whilst you try sizes on.. Don’t worry yourself too much x

    Emily 1

    Aww thanks hun. Its just embarrassing I guess, especially my stomach after losing a lot of weight quickly. But I suppose he probably sees things like that every day.

    Thank you 🙂

    Jessica 42

    Don’t be worried. It will be you, your surgeon and someone from MYA in the room with you as someone has to chaperone. I had my PC in with me taking notes as Mr Mounir examined me. I felt really uncomfortable at first as I hate my boobs and don’t even let my boyfriend see them so to have another man touching them was really odd. I just took a deep breath and thought bugger it, a couple of months from now I’ll have amazing boobs so just let him get on with it. You’re right they see all different shapes and sizes day in day out. Just think of the end result xx

    Emily 1

    Yeah you’re totally right thank you! I know I will be sooooo nervous taking my clothes off, and paranoid of what they think of me like I’m disgusting but I suppose they see it as work x

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