First timer – undecided Started by: jessicawalters

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    I have been for 2 consultations (last year) and then when it came to booking I chickened out because the fear of going under while they operate scares me. I really need some feedback on people’s procedures please, I have a few questions below if anyone could help me out by giving your answers. I get that everyone is different and there may be mixed answers but at least I have an idea of what to expect! Honestly any help would be really appreciated!! ❤️

    I want to know:

    -Who did your surgery
    -Before size and after
    -Do they go soft (squishy) like normal boobs
    -Does you still have feelings in nips (sensation)
    -how long did recovery take
    -what’s scaring like
    -any regrets

    Rebecca 4

    Hi Jessica im about to have a second surgery after 8 years since first, recovery was about a week. I had Dr Frati first time. I was an empty D had 450cc implants and ended up a G scaring is barely there and was amazing after a year. I only regret getting boob greed and going quite big it changed my frame as i was quite petite before. Happy to answer any questions you might have xx

    Rebecca 4

    Yes soft and squishy normal boobs and nipples were unaffected xx

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