First Trust Preston – 23rd January Started by: Kylie

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  • Kylie 29

    Hi Girls,
    Anyone booked in for surgery in Preston on 23rd January? I’ve had my admission time of 1pm.
    Does anyone have any on the day tips or useful information, I have everything ready (I think) the nerves are starting to kick in haha.

    Becca 168

    Kylie, my best advice for you is to speak with the staff when you meet them and let them know all of your concerns and worries so that they can support you to feel as comfortable as possible. I told them that I was scared of needles, scared of being sick and scared of pain and they were really good with me. They made sure I had extra antisickness in my cannula and held my hand when they put it in to help me feel reassured. They were just amazing with me and so caring. They will do everything they can to help you. Don’t be afraid to ask. You will be fine, you will be back in your room recovering before you know it, waiting for your sandwich to arrive! It’s honestly not a scary experience at all, so just try to enjoy it as much as possible. You’ll be great!

    Kylie 29

    Thank you Becca, your posts always put my mind at ease. I’m scared of being sick too, I will make sure I tell them. Hope you are still doing well.

    Becca 168

    It’s so random, some girls are really sick and some girls are absolutely fine. Because it was the first general anaesthetic I had ever had, the anaesthetist asked me if any of my close family members had ever had a general anaesthetic before, as apparently how it affects a close family member is a good predictor with regards to how it may affect you. I remember my Mum had told me she hadn’t had any sickness after hers, so maybe it’s a just coincidence that I didn’t either, or maybe not! Honestly I am such a coward, sometimes I still can’t believe that I actually did it, so if I can do it then I really think that anyone can! I’m doing great thank you, both boobs have finally dropped and I’m just waiting for the fluff to take hold now! Can’t believe it’s my 6 week post op appointment this time next week, I don’t know where the time has gone!

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Becca 168.
    Kylie 29

    That worries me too, I didn’t realise that it tends to run in the family, will have to check. I’m a big wimp too. I am more excited than anything I think but I know I will be a nervous wreck on the day. I’m really going to try and enjoy it though because so many people have said it goes so fast. I’m glad its a nice hospital and I’ve only heard good things about the staff so that part, I’m calm about.
    I’m glad your recovery is going really well, I suppose it makes everything all worth while once you get to that stage and are happy with your results. I can’t wait to see my results. I get so jealous of girls with boobs haha.

    Becca 168

    You might be very surprised! I was definitely expecting to have a flap and a cry once I got to the hospital and it all began to feel very real, but I held it together so well, I did feel a bit nervous of course but not uncontrollably so. I think I was just so focused on the end result and getting it done. You’re right, it does go so quickly, the whole day is like a blur looking back. It really wasn’t traumatic for me at all and I would do it all again in a heartbeat. The feeling of relief once I woke up and realised it was done was huge. Honestly it’s all been such a positive experience for me, you’re never going to look back and you’ll never have to feel jealous again!

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