Fitzroy Hospital Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls,

    Super excited as i booked my surgery today! Im going to be going to the Fitzroy in London, however rather than staying in hospital over night im looking at staying in a local hotel as its 2.5 hour drive home for me.
    Im just looking for recommendations please of any decent hotels near by?

    Thank you 😀

    Kristy 44

    I chose holiday inn Regent’s Park, apparently quite a few patients use that. There is a ncp car park underneath the hotel with lifts. The car park is £40 per 24 hours but may be cheaper if booked in advance online – that’s London for you. I’m staying there 23-25 this month so will let you know how I found it x

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Kristy 44.
    Kate 7

    Second the holiday inn Regent’s Park. When I came back from my op in my onesie I didn’t want anyone to see me so snuck in via the lift in the car park straight to my floor. Seems silly but was the best feeling when feeling rough. Looks longer on the map but only a few minutes walk

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