Flakey dry skin and dropping question Started by: Sam

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  • Sam 36

    Hey people! Just wondered if anyone else has experienced flakes of skin coming off boobs and itching on boobs lol?!(im currently just over 3WPO) im not worried just wondering if its common? As havent seen anyone spk about it on here…. also with the “dropping” do boobs tend to get bigger? As im not sure if its too soon to get measured or measure myself ? Xx


    Hey hun best wait til 6wks for measuring as u still have more dropping and fluffing to go as tempting as it is. Ive been moisturising around my boobs not on incisions after bathing.

    As I moisturise twice a day and it was just weird for me not too.

    Ive been using shea butter/ cocoa butter and (Virgin/organic)coconut oil. All good for scars and stretch marks.

    Once I’m at 6wks I’m gona use coconut oil on the incisions. It has antibacterial /anti fungal properties and really light on the skin. The shea/cocoa butter is waaay too thick for incisions.
    Ive been dabbing coconut oil on my nipples cos they were getting sore and flaky and they’re constantly rock hard.

    Ive attached image of the one I use. It’s proper cheap like half the price u would normally pay for Virgin organic oil. Hope that helps fc

    Laura C S 13

    Hi Sam

    I’m 2 WPO and had two days of itchy nipple. I feel like they’ve swelled and squeezed due to the cold which made them itch. I use baby oil to moisturise in the same places as Fran mentions.
    I’m not brave enough to get measured until week 6ish.
    L x

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    Flakey skin in completely normal and I still experience it at 8WPO even though I moisturise twice a day.
    I don’t see any harm in getting measured for your own curiosity but there isn’t any point in buying bras as there is still a lot of changing to happen. My nurse recommended that I get measured every four weeks after my first measure at 6 weeks as the results can change. Xx

    Sam 36

    Thanks for the help and advice girls been really helpful xx
    Yeah i self measured last night just out of curiousity but not sure if i did it right so il just wait.. hope they dont get smaller though lol always a worry !:( xx

    Imogen (@icrlm) 155

    There are many ways to self measure, all of which is unreliable. If you want to know your size it’s best to visit a retailer. Xx

    Sam 36

    thanks Imogen will do once ive had 6weeks post op app xx:)

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