Apparently only unders fluff but I’ve read about girls with over that have fluffed too! Fluffing is what happens when the implant drops into the pocket changing their shape and usually makes the implants look bigger. As the muscle relaxes its loosens its grip on the implant allowing it to drop and settle into position giving them a more natural look. My implants still need to drop a bit as they’re still quite high. I was measured at a 34e but once they drop the top will be less full and more boob will be at the bottom, hopefully meaning my cup size will increase. I’ve seen pics of girls on here where their boobs actually look like they’ve grown loads! My first unders didn’t drop or fluff at all I was gutted. My last ones did but I never noticed until I looked back on photos. Still only days for you, give them a bit more time I wouldn’t worry yet. X