hiya Nic
They definatley dont explode they only tell you to not fly due to blood clots they tell you that after every single operation. I work on the planes i was back at work 2 weeks after had mine done 2nd june 4 weeks agoe i have flown about 6 times. my friend went to toronto 2 days (super bionic woman felt no pain after boobs done)after her op.
i have been wearing sports bra and they do go a bit swollen i suppose not majorly tho to be honest a few veins come up and they did go a bit itchy.
drink plenty of water before and during flight.
they do recommend im sure dont do short haul for 2 weeks long haul for 6 but thats purely for bloody clots nothing else.
hope this helps dont worry no one at my work (loads had boob jobs) has ever had a problem i promise
x x