FLYING BEFORE OP Started by: louisemullis

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    I told my PC the dates I was going on holiday and I have booked my op a week after I get back. She is now saying she and the nurse advised me not to fly 2 weeks pirior. However, she knew my dates and the nurse definitely didn’t tell me this information.

    Can I still have the op? Will this affect the op in any way? So worried now.

    Thanks xx

    Dazzelea 92

    I’ve not heard this before Hun just about flying after .x

    Dazzelea 92

    And plus what about people that fly aboard to have them done xx

    Chloe 22

    I flew back from my holiday on the 9th and my op was the 17th which they said was fine x

    Kristy 44

    I imagine their concerns are more to do with picking up illnesses from abroad than the actual flying xx


    Thanks everyone. Turns out she was mistaken and it’s only 24 hours before you can’t fly xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by louisemullis 5.

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