Found out what wrong with one boob!! Started by: Bea..x

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  • Bea..x 9

    As ive posted before i was worried as one boob was alot bigger than the other. Turns out i have Mastitis in one as its been nearly 5 months since i had a baby. My milk is still coming through which i though had stopped and all my milk ducks have been blocked. So soon i should start liking my boobs when the swelling goes down!!


    Oh god no way so wot happens now you have to wait for the milk to be sent back ? I was told to wait 2years af my baby for my uplift and implants for the best results how long did u have to wait af your baby and are u ok and not n any pain xx

    Yana 51

    I’m surprised he agreed to the op so soon after you had your baby… It’s unfortunate what happened 🙁 hope you get it sorted soon!

    Bea..x 9

    Ino the nurse said they changed it from 6 months to 3months after birth to have it done. I cant enjoy my boobs as one is so swollen but they should of not let me have it done so soon after birth but the nurse said it was ok xx no im not in pain but my boob is so warm and very itchy xx


    Oh at least that’s one good thing that it will sort it self out xx

    Jodie 1

    Epsom salts will dry your milk right up hun , just beware it may give you the runs though lol , it did to me xx


    Oh Jesus you’ve worried me now cod my youngest is only 4 months and I brrastfed! But then ive already had mastitis after I fed him, and it settled? Atleast you know what’s wrong now. What will you do to help settle t or will you just let the mastitis run its course? xx

    Trace 158

    Gosh, glad you found out what is wrong! It’s been almost 3 years for me and my right one someones produces it (yak). Hope you can enjoy your girls soon xx

    Bea..x 9

    what is epson salts? well mya have given me some antibiotics but they have not really helped. bit worried but going to see the nurse tomorrow

    Jodie 1

    Sorry hun not been on for a few days !
    Google Epsom salts and read about them , its hard to explain them without writing a massive essay !
    I swear by them , dried mine up really quickly !
    Hope you are feeling better now xx

    Kayleigh 36

    It’s six months they say one other place couldn’t do mine till after six months as u need breast to go back. Plus I breast fed And the milk ect my son is 7 months i could only breast feed for three weeks so from after time I stopped had to wait six months. I had my removal of old implants and replace with 700cc yesterday.

    Bea..x 9

    Mya said that they changed the time from 6 months to 3 months. I never breast fed either. There is no change in my boob and just feel so fed up as its not getting better. Its supossed to be a happy time for me and its been horrid xx thanks girls for your support xxx

    Emma 1

    Hi Biianca, I know its sound stupidly simple but have you taken Ibuprofen? When I had mastitis a few years back the antibiotics didn’t touch it but took Ibuprofen and it went down within 2 days. May not work under the circumstances but fairly harmless so worth a try maybe……….
    Hope you feel better soon x

    Bea..x 9

    Hi hun. Yes ive tried them but still nothing xx

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