Hi ladies, so I’m 5days post op now and I’m starting to get a bit fed up with the pain, the swelling and the lack I strength I have. My boyfriend has just gone back up to work in Manchester (I’m in the midlands) and after having him taking care of me the past few days I now feel really alone and things are starting to bug me. Will I start to feel better soon? Sick of the tight pain on my chest and the fact I have no strength in my arms to open doors and move myself around. Also my left nipple has decided to sting loads when I move and my right nipple has gone completely numb! Will this sort itself out? I feel like I’ve mutilated myself
Hey huni your 1st 2weeks are the worst but af that things will ease off if pain is really bad ring up your docs and ask for tramdol pain killers this work a treat xx
Hang in there another week you will feel fine just remember why you had it done by week 2 you will be so happy don’t let it get you down keep thinking about all those new bras you can buy x
Hi Rachel, I had my op the same day as you, did you have overs or unders as I am almost pain free now, I had overs. Try not to worry, everyone is different plus we get our strapping off in 2 sleeps woop woop xxx
Hi hun, a few days after my op I starting to get panicky and regretted having it done as I have 2 small children and it’s stop me doing lots with them! I’m 10 days post op now and starting to feel much better. It’s a funny feeling though, no one warned me that you go through lots of emotions but I’m sure it passes as the days go by and our boobs settle xx
Honestly, you will start to feel better over the next couple days. Day 4/5 were the worst for me. Hang in there Hun x
You’re not alone hun! My boyf works away so be was with me from the Thursday when I had my op to the Sunday, then he had to go back to work til the Friday night. I felt really alone too in that time and sleeping was so bad. I’m 11 days po and sleeping stil isn’t great but it is slowly getting better. They say the first week is the worst, but everyone’s different. I’m back in work today but tbh I feel like I could’ve done with another couple of days off to rest. Just take it easy and fingers crossed you’ll feel back to normal in no time x
Hiya Rach, your not on your own with how u feel. I had mine a few hours before you and feeling pretty much the same as you. My back is driving me mad! I’m fed up and have been a bit of an emotional wreck but trying to laugh about it!! Sleeping is the worst and I feel back to square one every day when I wake up, so weak. I stopped taking the co-codrymol as they knock me out and it’s not helping with feeling drained, weak and crappy. Other than back ache and soreness/sensitivity I found I could cope without the strong pain killers and is helping me feel better. My head feels more with it and my awful bloated belly is still bad but slightly better without the strong tablets. It might be worth a try?
When are you back at work? I’ve gotta go back this wed after just a week off, dreading the early starts as it takes me till lunch time to be awake properly!
On the plus do you love the new size of your boobs? Xx
Thanks for all your replies ladies it’s helped me feel a lot more at ease and less alone! Also sorry for the rant I was having a ‘moment’ xx
Nichola I had under the muscle xx
I’m back at work tomorrow, so only at 6 days post op but work are so short staffed I have to go back, not sure how much I’m
Going to be able to do when I am there tho!
Getting my strapping taken off on Wednesday hopefully that will help! Xx
meliaJJ not too sure on the size, they are still right up in my neck, literally they start about an inch below my collar bone lol, so the look like torpedoes! Hopefully they will start dropping soon and I can see what size they are gonna be! Xxx
Haha yeah mine are really high as well, pointy cones haha! Having my strapping off tomorrow I’ll put some more pis up after! Xx
Hi huni I’m also 5 days post op today, I’m still getting that nasty stinging pains in my left incision and nipples kill, I also feel mutilated:( what I’ve found helps, browse online for new clothes that’ll look great with your new boobs like backless dresses n tops and wear a heat patch on your back. Drink lots of herbal teas and just catch up on tv…we must update each other on how we feel over the next week as we had op same day xxx
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