Freaking out!! Started by: Belle265

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    I am booked in for Thursday this week and I am starting to really freak out have thought about pulling out completely. One minute I feel excited about it and the next minute I feel totally freaked out that I am even doing this. I’m only getting small implants as I really don’t want massive boobs, am just doing this for me as I hate having to wear huge padded bras all the time and dread going on holiday. I’m worried that everyone is going to notice and ask questions and I’m worried that I won’t like the final result and they will look too big and i will freak out! Help!x

    Kylie 1

    We all feel like that pre-op, dont worry, you’re not alone. My nerves disappeared on the day though and I’m already so happy with my new boobies (week post-op today). Are you having over or under the muscle? Im sure you’re goning to love them and once its done you’ll wonder why you stressed over it so much.
    Hope all goes well for you.


    Im exactly the same! Hoping to get my january time but hope im choosing the right size! xx


    I’m having over the muscle as mr traynor said he couldn’t go under as it wouldn’t look right. I just really want them to look natural and don’t want anyone to know! I’ve only told my parents and best friend cause I work in a really gossipy place and if people there found out I would hate it! I don’t know anyone else who has had it done either so feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to about it! How are you feeling after 1 week? Weird question but do they still feel really hard? Hope you don’t mind me asking! I’m scared that they will never feel like part of me! Xxxx


    Hi Belle,me too!! have my BA op on friday one minute can’t wait and the next it’s what am i doing? ,haven’t told many people either as it’s my business not theirs and can do without the negative comments,even wishing i hadn’t told my dad as all i’ve had is what might go wrong from him (suppose it is his job to worry!!) Have seen some great pictures of girls with quite big implants on here who look huge naked,but once they have clothes on they look fantastic but not huge, so sure you will be able to hide them from people you don’t want to know what you’ve had done.i’m still undecided on size so thats also worrying me more concerned about the size than the op itself,just keep reading how happy the girls on here are and we’ll get through the nerves,good luck for thursday xx

    Kylie 1

    Trust your surgeon, its their job to know what they’re doing after all.
    The only people who Ive told are my husband (obviously! lol), my best friend, and my personal trainer (so we can change my workout route). Its no one else’s business, let them gossip all they like.
    Im feeling great after one week. I had no issues with surgery, recovery or pain. I had a week off work but was back yesterday with no problems (driving & office job). They’re starting to soften and I can just about push them together but still got a way to go yet. They felt like a part of me from the moment I came round from the anesthetic. I woke up yesterday morning and stretched in bed as I completely forgot they were there until they pulled! lol.
    Its completely natural to doubt yourself but you’ll love them I’m sure as soon as you’ve got them.


    What sizes are you choosing between Teresa? I’m having a nightmare with sizes too can’t choose between 2 different ones. I know I need to just trust that it will all be ok but I keep massively freaking out and wondering whether to cancel.


    Overs look just as natural as unders hun, trust me, traynor wouldn’t give you something you didn’t want. Iv had both placements, and my overs are much more natural. I didn’t tell anyone with my first op, and no-one guessed until I made it clearly obvious, even now people say, ‘show me the scars, as I don’t believe you’
    We all get nervous and think, why am I doing this? It’s natural. But you have come this far along, backing out now will be hurtful and the new you is literally round the corner
    Good luck hun 🙂 I promise you will look back and say ‘why did I worry’ xx


    have got a choice between 365/385,surgeon says he will decide whether over or unders on the day.I keep thinking there isn’t much between the sizes so listeneing to everyone on here i should go 385 but want a natural look so then think perhaps 365 will give me more natural,am 5ft 6 and size 12 so surgeon says there the sizes he recomends,i am more worried about possible problems after surgery,doesn’t cross my mind not to do it as after 2 children and breastfeeding then losing weight i’m left with two empty sacks that need refilling.xx

    bailey64 2

    hi… Oh my god, I’m exactly the same.. all night i didn’t sleep worrying about it and then i went into town today and looked at underwear and got really excited! I also don’t want anyone to know because mine is fixing really bad asymmetry that I’ve never told anyone about either, But to get them even they have to go to a DD and I’m so scared it will be really obvious. Im only 5″2!!

    Ive not even told my family because they will disapprove and only told 3 of my friends! Even going to the hospital alone.. what am I thinking?!
    So I share your worries, let me know how you go though??


    Aw you poor thing! My parents are really supportive think my mum is more excited about it than I am cause she knows that it will improve my self esteem but I’m the one freaking out!I really feel for you that you are going alone, when is your op? I keep worrying about all sorta of daft things just need to get it over with I think!

    bailey64 2

    mine is 18th jan – i only booked yesterday so it seems really soon! Aww, Im glad you have the support! And it is true, it will help you feel more yuorself so she is right! I think the main thing is they always get angry with me for wasting money so they will be horified. I;m going home for xmas and going to wear really unflattering clothes so they just think I’ve gained weight so when I see them again in march no one will say anything.. I hope that will work anyway!


    Belle what time are you checking in? My time is 10am because I am getting the train eek only 2 more sleeps xx


    So glad i am not the only one freaking out have my op on Friday and have felt like pulling out, never been in hospital before apart from when I was born so really nervous about anaesthetic, but everyone keeps telling me I will be fine and once I have had it done I won’t look back, fingers crossed it goes ok x


    My admission time is 8am tomorrow. I was petrified before my first BA but honestly there is nothing to worry about, and after its all done you have brand new boobies :)) xx


    Girls there is nothing to worry about, my whole experience was just so amazing, I think the most nervous thing about they whole thing is when u have ur boobs, I’m so nervous I hurt them or someone bumps them or anything like they like my little babies 🙂 other than that I would do it any day every day! I’ve had no pain, no nothing so far! Ad just le my boobies went it today for first time but had them all wrapped up cos didn’t wan them getting a chill haha so had no one look at them ye but bf and family and they all love them xx


    I still haven’t even told my parents and were super close but i didnt tell then i worry that my mum would just worryHerself sick!(About the safety and cost!!)I think they would be livid i feel terrible guilt for not telling them as all my best mates Know.Everybody at work kinda knows now think word got around and i think you can blatantly tell.Don’t worry u’ll be fine on the day be excited ur doing this for you 😀 Xxxx

    ducky01 4

    Bailey 64 can I add you? I’m having my asymmetric/tubular breasts corrected on the 17th jan with an uplift & implants, same stats as you also! lovely to see all this support n realise Im not alone, good luck ladies xx


    Hope all went well today girls I am home now tiny bit of pain just chilling out x


    I freaked out constantly in the lead up to my op but once i got there i was so calm i shocked myself lol once you wake up with new boobies you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about xx


    I was so calm propa suprised my self a tip ad say would be to get bra extender for the back am 34-36 but the 38 is a lil tight cause of the swelling xx

    Nips 2

    I wasnt nervous at all until i was in theatre but cant tell you enough how much you dont need to worry and stress about things, once you are asleep its fine and you wake up in what i can only describe as a daze which is hilarious when you look back on yourself from the anethstetic xxx

    ducky01 4

    Okay now I’m absolutely freaking out, my blood situation yesterday has scared me with the nurse not being able to get any n having to try again next week let alone the surgery, I have no-one to look after me when I get home from the uplift with implants, how did you all manage? Xx

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