Free revision?… Started by: Yasmin Graham

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    Hi girls… has anyone ever had to have a revision? I’m 1.5 year post op now and am unhappy with my boobs. They have dropped A LOT and also one is noticeably smaller than the other which is my main concern. I’m just worried as only attended 1 post op appointment due to an injury (not boob related). I was never contacted asking me to attend afterwards so I’m just worried this will effect me being able to have any corrective work done….x

    Tiff 11

    Hi hun sorry to hear you want happy with your boobs I think you should defo get in contact with your surgeon I’m not 100% sure about I don’t think you can have a revision free of charge but I’m not 100% sure


    Hi babe, it says in the aftercare that if your surgeon agrees then you can get it for free up to 3 years after treatment. I’ve got a meeting with my surgeon on 3 March so fingers crossed!x

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun if sugoen agrees then we can get feee revision up to 3 years after but only if we have problems with them not based on just because we don’t like size of them or how they have dropped id be careful aswell as it does say in our policy that mya and sugoen have right to refuse any problems we come across if we don’t go to all pre and post op apps xxx


    Hey thanks for the reply yeah i thought that, its the difference in size thats the main concern so hopefully they can at least sort that out xxxx

    Stacey 498

    Hopefully they agree to it Hun altho isn’t that in our risks in our contract ? Aysmmetry all you can do is get an ap and see what sugoen says xxx


    Probably gona try my luck tho! Got an app on 3 March xxxx

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