Friendly chat needed.. 4 years post op so unhappy Started by: nyree phillips

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    Hi, I’ve not been on nor thought about this forum since I had my op 4 year ago. I was a small a cup and due to my skin tightness could still only have small implants which is what I wanted anyway I’m not a big boob kinda girl – note me not actually remembering what size I had says how much I shut it out of my head.
    I had them done at mya and as much as I can’t complain about the consultations and the hospital stay I feel I have been so let down… I haven’t walked away from my op happy and confident like I read all you girls do. I know personal expectations can be different but the shape and results of my boobs and scars have brought me to such a sad and dark place its consuming my life.
    I also had a small uplift due to the positioning of my nipples so they sat higher once the implants were in.
    I don’t know why I’ve just felt the sudden urge to come on here to say this I just guess I’m looking for some friendly support and advice… I don’t want to slander MYA in any way at all – I was too embarrassed to raise a issue with MYA afterwards which now I regret. I’m currently trying to save up to rectify them and looking into various surgeons and options across the UK I just don’t know what to do. All I ever wanted was a bit of filling in a bra to feel confident and I can say it’s brought me the most unhappiest 4 years of my life. Again I’m sorry for this rant and I really do not intend for this to put anyone off at all – I feel I have been a rare circumstance – I just really need someone to talk to it about. I feel embarrassed speaking to family or friends as people only ever see breast enlargement as aesthetic, not about something mentally.
    I feel silly now posting this but I just need to let something out.

    Bee 42

    Hi Nyree – so sorry to hear that you are feeling like this. It must be utter turmoil having it constantly on your mind. Why do you feel so let down? What is affecting you most about your results/what do you want rectifying? Has anybody seen them and offered their advice? You are most certainly not silly for posting about how you are feeling and I would like to see if there’s anything I can do to help make you feel better. I’ve not had my surgery yet xx


    Hi Nyree, I’m glad you came on here for support from us, so important to turn to people when you need them.
    What do you think needs to be done for you to be happy with results?
    Have you thought about having a revision consult with someone? There are some amazing surgeons, I’m sure they could help you I know it’s the money but you can’t live like this lovely, your worth so much more. X

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