From phone call to op. Started by: Emma OD

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  • Emma OD 4

    Hi everyone, I’m just new here and researching before making a final decision.
    Can anyone please tell me what the process is from making that first phone call to your op.
    Many thanks


    I called my Nottingham MYA on the 10th July. I got booked in to see Kimberley my personal Co ordinator on the same day! Literally jumped on the train and went straight there!

    After that, she booked me an appointment with Dr Kazzazi for Monday. When I saw him he said I needed an uplift so I booked an appointment with another surgeon, Dr Mounir for the Wednesday after.

    After we had discussed sizes etc I went through to the nurse and went through bras with my size in to see how I felt. Then I had my pre op afterwards and my operation is on Thursday! Less than a month after initially calling!

    Good luck! I’m having 480cc uhp overs with Dr Mounir. Xx

    Emma OD 4

    Thank you for your reply.
    I live quiet far from my nearest clinic so was curious as to how many times I would have to visit before op. Xx

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