Gap! Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne

    Hi lovely ladies!
    I had my initial consultation last year but was talked out of it by my then boyfriend. I’ve been looking into it again and have booked in to see Dr Traynor on Thursday! So excited/nervous/up the wall going backwards and forwards about what I actually want!!

    I measure a 30D (looks like a b/small c in reality) but my issue is that I can never really get a good cleavage, even with a push up bra (starts out ok but they quickly run off in opposite directions if I move even a tiny bit 😒) I’ve read here that your gap is your gap but i cant find any before and after pics that look like me so I have no idea how they might look after! I’m just terrified they’ll look comical and look ‘stuck on’ because of having a huge gap in the middle.
    Does anyone have any before and after pics that are similar to my original shape?
    Thanks ladies 😘xx



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Leanne.
    BA_283 20

    I had quite a big gap! I’ve posted a pic on my page! The gap is still there but it’s smaller. I had 275 and 250cc and I have to be honest at times they still lean outwards in a push up bra so I haven’t got as much cleavage as I did when I put my bra on. I hope that makes sense! They don’t look stuck on though! I literally had the same query as you before my surgery xx


    Thanks for replying lovely!

    Yours look amazing 😍 so natural!
    Bet you cant wait to get them in a bikini 🤭❤

    I’m so torn today 😥 told my new bf about the appointment and he got really upset, saying that he thinks he’ll see me differently if I have something that isnt ‘natural’ inside me. I suppose it’s nice he likes me as I am and he said he’d support me if I went through with it but he doesnt know if hed be attracted to me 😔😔 decisions eh!!

    Poppy 15

    Don’t ever let a boy talk you out of your decision Leanne! Especially if you already delayed surgery because of your ex’s opinion.
    My boyfriend has come to all my appointments but never commented on any size of implants I’ve tried on or given me his opinion on me having cosmetic surgery because he wants it to be completely my decision and knows I’m doing it for myself.
    Do what’s right for you!! Xx


    Thanks Poppy ❤❤ it’s so hard to be opposed to him liking me the way I am though- feels counter productive!! I’ll have to have a real hard think about what I want, at the end of the day its for me and noone else. Thanks for the support girlies ❤❤

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