General anaesthetic concerns Started by: Chanel

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  • Chanel 1

    Hi all!

    So I’ve been wanting to have a breast enlargement for a while now. However, as silly as it sounds, the only thing putting me off is the general anaesthetic. I’m SO scared of being ‘put to sleep’, and what if I wake up during the procedure? I know it’s very very unlikely to happen but it scares the life out of me. And what does it actually feel like getting put to sleep? How do they do it etc? And what does it feel like when you wake up? I panic very easily and if I don’t have a clue what’s going on it’s going to make it worse. I also have an 8 month old baby and really don’t want anything to happen to me because of her. The reason I want it done so much is because my breasts are severely tubular, I don’t fit any bras at all so clothing is limited also. I just feel so awful about myself and after the pregnancy it’s just got worse.

    I know it might seem irrational to some people but these are genuine fears haha. Can people give me some real stories of what it was like for them please. Thanks!

    Tiffany 20

    Hi Chanel,

    I don’t think your being irrational at all! I’ve been feeling exactly the same. I’ve never been under GA & I’m petrified. I found a few helpful little websites on Google when I typed in about GA that explain what it feels like, how you might feel after etc. It was a random search so I can’t remember any of the sites otherwise I’d send you a link. It really helped me though xx

    Chanel 1

    Thanks! Are you booked in for your up?

    Tiffany 20

    Yep 13th November 🙂 I’m so excited & the only thing I’m really worried about is the GA. Pain I can deal with but I think it’s the fear of the unknown xx

    Megan 1

    I’m exactly the same!! I’m booked in for next Tuesday, I had my pre op last week and spoke to my nurse about my concerns and she reassured me. I think the anaesthetic goes in through a cannula in the top of your hand, and you’re asleep very quickly after that xx

    Kayleigh 2

    Hi Girls,
    I have postponed my Boob surgery, so I can’t help you with any concerns regarding that.
    However, I have been ‘put to sleep’ under general anaesthetic 4 times now. I haven’t once had an issue, other than I wake up freezing cold. Usually, you have 2 options and it will depend on your veins on the back of your hand, the first one is a needle in the back of the hand where they inject you with the sleepy stuff. The second option involves a gas mask.
    Both options are absolutely FINE and painless! It doesn’t even take 10 seconds, you’ll just feel really sleepy and then close your eyes and that’s it. You’re off to sleep! You might loose your hearing first, and your sight might go blurry but it doesn’t even last 2 seconds. I’m assuming being put to sleep privately, is very much similar to the NHS in the fact that there will be nurses and an anethatist there who will talk to you about your holidays to take your mind off it.
    The reason that they ask you to avoid eating and drinking is so you’re not sick when you come back round, as it can make some people sick. it’s very very rare they have problems with GA, as long as you follow your instructions given by the surgeon/ your PC. Please let me know if you have any questions that I can help you with.
    Good Luck! xx

    Rachel 2

    I’ve had it once and it’s fine, the nurses are really nice and chat to you as you’re doing it, I think you fall asleep mid convo! When you wake up it’s a little confusing, like you’ve just woken up from a massive day nap and don’t have a clue what time it is!
    When I ya do they put something in your arm but like I said you’re distracted and don’t really notice it all x

    Courtney 5

    Hey Chanel,

    I am now 12dpo and I was petrified of being put to sleep, but it turned out to be absolutely fine! The nurses are all so lovely, they all chat to you while in the process of being put to sleep and the needle part did not hurt one bit! All I can remember about being put to sleep is talking to the nurse one minute and the next minute I’m waking up in recovery! You will be really looked after and everyone makes you feel at ease so I wouldn’t worry! X

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Courtney 5.
    Heidi 217

    I had never been put to sleep so was pretty scared too especially of waking up, but there’s a nurses who’s only role is too watch your stats throughout the surgery so even if you make one tiny switch of waking they dose you up more so there’s 0%! Honestly one minute your talking to the nurses, suddenly feel lightheaded and bam you’re waking up in recovery! You’ll all be fine:) xx

    Emma 1

    Hi Chanel,

    I originally booked my Op June of this year, I rushed into things as I wanted them done asap for summer so I didn’t really give myself time to think about it. As soon as I booked my op I realised I had a HUGE fear of getting GA and was so scared that I wouldn’t wake up… It sounds silly but I was honestly horrified. When I got down there I ended up having a full scale panic attack as soon as he said he was about to give me the GA and my heart rate went too high during this time so I was no longer safe to operate on. I’ve re-booked my surgery for 24th Oct and trying to keep myself calm about it. I feel much more prepared this time and I’ve also requested a pre-med to calm me down before the op and an early admission time, as I waited 5hrs to go down to surgery last time and that added to my anxiety. Speak to your nurse and i’m sure she would do that for you if you are scared! I didn’t really speak to anyone about it that much the first time as I just presumed I would go through with it when I got there, talk to the surgeon/nurse about how you feel as their reassurance has helped me so much this time round.xx

    Katie 4

    hi chanel, i was really worried about the GA too but it was absolutely fine. I had my op on Friday 5th October. They put the cannula in my hand whilst i was in my room (didn’t hurt one bit!) and 5 minutes before into surgery they gave me something to calm me down as i was shaking as i was so frightened! i walked to surgery and led on the bed, they gave me some anti sickness and i cannot remember a thing after this! i woke up in my room and had to ask if it had been done! i was in recovery for an hour and don’t even remember being there at all! the anaesthetic really isn’t anything to worry about but i do understand why you would be! good luck for when you do book your operation xxx

    Sian -3

    It’s totally normal to be scared, I was terrified- I was hyperventilating the night before, and as they put me to sleep I was crying and shaking. The worst thing about GA is the worrying you end up doing about it. While I was being put to sleep the man asked me what I was so scared of and I said ‘not waking up’, and he said that had never happened to anyone in his whole career and it wasn’t going to happen to me. GA is so safe you just have to remember that. It goes by in what feels like seconds, you wake up and everyone is looking after you, and you just have to relax 🙂 I woke up shivering but that’s normal apparently!
    It was my biggest fear throughout my BA, but I had zero complications or regrets. You will be fine xx

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