I have about 6 ear piercings in my ears and I knew before going in I had to take them out but I’ve got one which just would NOT budge. I have had a procedure at a different private hospital in which they just taped up the earring I couldn’t remove.
My friend had a breast aug at mya last month and they taped her earring up that she couldn’t get out too.
However my op day mya caused such a fuss about this earring I couldn’t remove and refused to let me go to surgery. They said they would cancel my op unless I could get the earring out. They suggested that I went to Camden to get it removed as long as I could be back by 11 (the piercings shops didn’t open until 11). Anyway turns out they have a 0 tolerance rule with peircings that they bought in the day before my op. Luckily an admin girl used to work in a peircing shop and the surgery manager authorised her to remove my earring but it took a lot of time and a lot of stress!!!
Please girls get them removed before you go in as they’ll only cause you stress and upset when they tell you they’ll cancel your procedure! Xx