Get your peircings out!! Started by: EJenna

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  • EJenna 1


    I have about 6 ear piercings in my ears and I knew before going in I had to take them out but I’ve got one which just would NOT budge. I have had a procedure at a different private hospital in which they just taped up the earring I couldn’t remove.
    My friend had a breast aug at mya last month and they taped her earring up that she couldn’t get out too.

    However my op day mya caused such a fuss about this earring I couldn’t remove and refused to let me go to surgery. They said they would cancel my op unless I could get the earring out. They suggested that I went to Camden to get it removed as long as I could be back by 11 (the piercings shops didn’t open until 11). Anyway turns out they have a 0 tolerance rule with peircings that they bought in the day before my op. Luckily an admin girl used to work in a peircing shop and the surgery manager authorised her to remove my earring but it took a lot of time and a lot of stress!!!
    Please girls get them removed before you go in as they’ll only cause you stress and upset when they tell you they’ll cancel your procedure! Xx

    Louise 26

    I was at Fitzroy, unable to take out 2 piercings and they gave me tape for them. Anaesthetist said the only piercing they are really concerned about is a tongue piercing. Guess I caught them on a good day x

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