Getting fed up of peoples comments :( Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    My close friends know about me having my BA but all they have to say is why? am i stupid? ive got big boobs!! they arent understanding and its bugging me abit to the point where theyre sucking the excitement out of me 🙁 i feel like wearing a tshirt saying yes i have boobs but want them fuller and bigger! just cant be doing with negative people! lol xxx

    Chel 31

    That’s really sad Hun, my friends were the most supportive people! My only advice would be to speak to them individually and explain how unhappy you are and that’s why your doing it. If they can’t accept it then either don’t mention it around them again and in a few months I guarantee it’ll be them saying ooh can I have a feel lol or if it’s really bad id say find better friends! Xx

    Danielle 131

    People will always say things like that hun. I’ve had it myself and I was 34a previously. You shouldn’t ever have to justify your choice, your body your rules! X

    Yana 51

    Maybe you need a “revision” of your friends too:) in cases like this (when u need them most) is when you can tell who your true friends are. And if they can’t be supportive and selfless then sorry to say but tell them where to stick it.


    @sammy Sorry to hear that babe but if I was you I wouldn’t mention anything else to them and if they bring it up I would say I appreciate your opinion but this is what I want and I am bloody excited about it! xx

    kelly p 33

    Jealousy cos you look fabulous now and will look even more fabulous after
    I have to say my friends have all been so supportive but I agree maybe you need to revise your friends xx


    aaw thanks girls, absolutely nothing can change my mind, ive wanted this for so long and its just frustrating i dont want to be told im silly for doing it, because its not silly, its my body and i still want it after 9 years 🙂 i dont think anybody would say no to having a boob job, and im just too brave to do it hehe, im really excited though, and its showing, i still show it when i get the negative comments, but deep down im like i just dont want to hear that, its like im not even saying outloud why im having it because i dont feel like i need to justify myself. its so nice that you all have support, i have lots of support off my mum though which i really cherish, i think its because she really does understand and isnt ignorant to it. it just makes me feel at times like i take my current boobs for granted, but im the one living with them and ive looked into this for years, im not going to let any negativity get me down 🙂 xxxx

    Jennifer 90

    I’ve had this hun, not even told many people either, luckily all my family are supportive & not bothered at all but the couple of friends I’ve told have sort of pulled weird faces as if they don’t understand why but said kind of whatever it’s my choice sort of thing….. and I was a bit offended and went away thinking about it but thought yeah it is my choice my body & something i’m doing to boost my confidence and make me feel better about myself so screw them! Xxx


    Sammy! Do what will make you happy! My friends are not supportive either thy just say it’s a waste of money and I shouldn’t get bigger boobs! Even my boyfriend isn’t kean and I don’t even want to tell my parents thy will never agree! I think screw them I’m doing this for me and I they like it or lump it! Hopefully my friends will love my new boobs! And hopefully your friends will come round him x


    Aww im not the only one then! Id always be supportive and excited for any of my friends wanting to have it done and for the few that has had it done, maybe they see it as a waste of money because i have boobs, and maybe the people who are being quite negative about having it done maybe want it done themselves but cant? i dont know, its just frustrating because you know its just what you want, just to hear people say you dont need it, your wasting your money, theyll look silly, its abit rubbish. just when i think about it its mostly negative, a lot of my friends thought i meant a reduction!! thing is i wear padded bras every single day so they think i have massive boobs, i decided to wear non padded bras but now im thinking actually im just going to wear my super padded bra until i get it done! then they cant say oh no theyre too big! lol… just want to hide from them all lol xxxx


    This y we have dolly sisters instead xx


    @lgallag2 you are 34dd too!! have you had any consultations yet? im intrigued to know!!
    my boyfriend isnt keen either, he loves me and loves my boobies now, so hes scared they wont be ‘me’ anymore lol, hes happy for me though because he knows its what ive always wanted and since the 4 years weve been togther ive ad many sleepless nights where i got really depressed about wanting it done and i struggled to save up or get finance so he saw how happy i was when i finally booked 🙂 but he still thinks im wasting my money too! itll be fine when i got them im sure he will love them especially with them looking natural, theyll be the same shape but bigger! he cant complain!! hahha xxxxx


    Aww dolly sisters!!! <3 love it 🙂 xxx


    To be fair I chat you girls than normal girls lol x


    This is exactly why I haven’t told anyone apart from my closest friends and family because I didn’t want the negative comments from people to navigate my happiness! I’m doing it for me so no one else needs to know. You just remember that Hun, your doing for you and your own happiness and you have all the girls on here that are in the same boat and are a lot more understanding x

    LAURA 6

    I’ve had the same with some friends. I guess not everyone is going to agree with it but i have learnt that if you don’t want people’s comments then don’t discuss it with them – their loss at the end of the day.
    Always do what makes you happy and don’t let anyone effect your decision.. My dad was so negative about the whole thing even though it’s clear that I have no boobs.. I stopped talking to him about it and now it’s creeping up closer he’s become supportive of it and is no longer negative. Chin up and do what you want to do, your the one who has to live with them !!


    Sammy! Sorry I don’t know how to tag your name on my message haha
    But yes at DD. Had a consultation with dr mounir , he was happy to give me implants alone around 375 – 400 to aim for an F cup! I feel like my boobs are only half full and need a good filling! I’m dying to wear a bikini without having a full supported cups and underwire! Nobody else apart from my sister who also has similar boobs to me understands!
    It’s the same with me and my bf , I try to tell him that my confidence will hit the roof and he will see a better happier person and also a good handful of boobs!! 🙂
    You will love your new boobs! If you’ve wanted this so badly don’t let it stop you! What size are you hoping to achieve?


    When people ask me ‘Why?’ sometimes I feel like not evening answering them… or punching them in the face 😉 I only told a handful of people at first as I felt like the rest of my friend circle would be more judgemental. I was actually pleasantly surprised with their response when I did tell them… Obviously you have some people who will always be negative. I choose not to talk about it with them. You definitely need to embrace your boobies if they make you happy! I take any comments with a pinch of salt, what else can people be but jealous? Try not to stress over it. Go out and buy boobylicious outfits just to rub their noses in it! 😀 xo

    Nicole 12

    its your choice at the end of the day, no one should put you off it or suck the excitement out of it, if its something you want, your money to spend your body, if they dont like it then its not your problem haha 🙂
    none of them know what its like to be down about them, so you do it to be happy within yourself hun 😀
    good luck with everything xx

    JamilaTee 3

    I think it’s just jealousy, don’t let anyone ruin your happiness xx

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