Getting scared….. Started by: leanne

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  • leanne

    You’ve all made me feel sooo much better!!!! Thank you!!!!! And I’m so glad it isn’t just me thinking ‘OMG am I doing the right thing’ !!! Gonna come on here and chat to you guys when I start panicking again!!
    I have my pre-op Wed night and I’ve asked to see the sizes again so will be trying them on..yet again to double check!! Aghhh!!!! xx


    Ha ha…This is brilliant?!?!?! Ha, I know what you mean! x


    This is brilliant everyone feeling the same way as me!Thought i was alone&everyone else couldnt wait i can wait coz sooo nervous!Im having implants&uplift 19th sept under the muscle has anyone else had this procedure??Need to know wen i will be able to drive&pick my little girl up??


    Thanks Jo – will take a look x


    Hey girlies

    You won’t regret your surgery, trust me! I’ve just put a detailed new discussion on here, take a look, it may put you at ease. I went with what Mr Adamo recommended, he said 410 overs and I was thinking about 380 over’s. I would have been wrong to doubt him, mine look amazing! I’ve just put my post on here I think its called “My BA with Mr Adamo”.

    Best of luck everyone.

    Jo xx


    Ha ha…I’m sure it will….and I love that I can come on here and moan or ask questions and people are going through the exact same thing!!!! Really helps!!!
    Yours will come round soon enough!! Mine seems to have flown!! x


    arr…wish mine was! haha my pre-op is this sat…nervous enough about that! lol

    2 weeks will fly by! i hope so anyway cos then i can say mines 2 weeks after yours! ;~) x x


    Oh god……mines 2 weeks today :-/ Pre-ops tomorrow! Aghhhhhhhhh!! x


    haha think we’re all feeling exactly the same then, going through the motions, think we’ll all hopefully be so happy and confident after our b.a’s tho eh?? ;~) god i hope so anyway! lol on the countdown now….4 weeks tomorro x x


    Adele – yes thats what I’m going through!!!! I keep telling myself I’ve wanted one forever and I won’t ever have to use tit-tape again and won’t need padded bra’s but it isn’t working!!!! x


    hi girls none of you are on your own with the last minute nerves, im having mine done on 20th september, im so excited but at the same time so nervous, i had a really bad week last week. panic takes over me, am i doing the right thing, is the size right , has he chose the right profile, so much so im booked back in with mr kazzazi again tomorrow hoping he will calm my nerves and make me feel better.. its not that i want to back out just am i doing the right thing, i know i am every time i look at them, so i need to focus and calm down, good luck girls..x


    Ruthie, I know what you mean completely cos I was a nervous wreck going along for my consultation both times. I’ll tell you what got me through it though, 2 lovely girls in the waiting room with me. One in the same boat as me who was having her first consultation and the other was a post op girl who wished us both luck and put us at ease. I tell you what, you’ve come to the right place, MYA girls are just the best, you’ll find alot of support here xxx


    Hey all….
    I have wanted a boob job for years and now I’m booked in and the date gets nearer, I’m getting really scared!!!
    Plus I’m worried I’ve picked the wrong size and they’re gonna be too big!!

    Has anyone else been like this?? x


    Hello all

    I am currently considering implants… well, I have been for about 8 years! I am so scared but desperate for them- the thought of even going to the consultaion is enbarassing to be honest :(

    I am barely an AA now.. and fed up of being miserable about it when its easy enought to change! do you know what size I would be able to/suggested to go to? Im scared that being so small now, it will look very obvious and fake :(

    Thanks xxxx


    Yes exactly Rio, i feel the same…

    I can talk to my partner and family etc but they are prob fed up of hearing about it all to be honest! haha my partner has been great tho…but its so different loggin on here and talkin to all of you about everything, going through the same worries and concerns, feelings and emotions etc…its great as its a really helpful and understanding site…



    I think it’s so lovely that we can chat and express how we’re feeling cos despite support from family and friends it can be a bit lonely cos you’re the only one going through it and then you log on here and get the reassurance from other people in exactly the same boat. Must be normal if we’re all having the same doubts and anxieties!!


    Hi Leanne! I feel the same way. Unsure whether the size I’ve been given is right, but I trust my surgeon 100%, so I feel confident in the size he’s chosen. Also, I’ve taken a loan out & it’s a lot of money I’m having to pay back over the next 2 years, but I just keep thinking, hopefully it’s all worth it. I’ve also thought, ‘do I really need one?’, ‘I’m still young’, but I reeeally do want this! Reeeally bad! I keep thinking ‘oh god, what have a gotten myself into?!’ haha, but it’s all just nerves! I think we’re all in the same boat, we’re bound to be scared ‘cos it’s a big deal! But it’s something we all want so bad & have wanted for a long time! xxx


    Hey :O)

    I feel totally the same!! I have just 1.5 weeks now, (16 sept) and it keeps daunting on me every so often that what I am doing is something that I cannot go back on after it is done!!! It is sooooooo scary because this decision will stick with me for the rest of my life!! And Rio, me too, I keep thinking, actually my boobs aren’t really that bad! And I also think, it could be worse! But then I think of how happy everyone I’ve read about is, after they have had it done, and I also think that me too- I have a chance to be that happy about my body and my boobs! It will make me feel more confident, more sexy, and more womanly!! But yeah, lots of thoughts in my head keep popping up, but just think..NO MORE GEL BRAS!!!!! hehe!!!

    Sorry I’ve ranted on there! But it’s definitely normal for everyone to feel like this :O)- thats what I keep telling myself anyway!!


    x x x


    Yeah you’re right, I think it would be weirder to not feel this way, it’s a really big deal and I think the more it means to you the more you doubt it, don’t know if that makes sense, I just mean the thought that your dream is gonna come true kind of thing.



    haha its nice to know others feel like this! lol Sorry…i’ve been feeling exactly the same, eanted this done for years and years, booked it, and now keep questioning myself, am i doing right thing, will they suit me, will i like them etc etdc…silly eh?? I’m booked in 7th October, am so nervous already! lol

    Just got to keep telling myself how upset i get most times when i am getting ready to go out, how much it affects my confidence in many ways, how happy i think i will be after…think its got to be natural to feel like that, its a big thing huh ;~)) x x x


    Yes hun, I’m exactly the same. Mine are currently 32c/d but empty due to breastfeeding and weight loss, in a bra they look ok, I keep looking down at them thinking ‘aww you’re not that bad are you??’ lol
    I’m booked in 21st Oct, still seems like ages away so I know I’ll be worse in a few weeks xxx


    Thank god it isn’t just me!!!

    Im a 32/34 B and having a 380 cc over…. estimated to be a DD afterwards. Booked in 2 weeks on Tuesday (22nd Sept) but good god, I am sh*tting it now! I’ve wanted one forever and was fine when I booked it…but now I keep thinking…’do i need one’….. ‘they’re not that bad’ and I’m like ‘huh’ ?? Ive always wanted one and I’m questioning myself now – its weird!!

    When is yours booked?? x


    Oh god Leanne, nice to hear someone else is feeling like this. I’m panicking about the same thing. What size are you now and what size implant are you having?

    Oh and when you having it done? xx

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