Getting worried now Started by: Kim

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  • Kim 1

    Blood in bra from left incision even tho it was healed and shooting pains on and off in the left boob nearly 8 weeks post op still have no feeling and the mess it looks when I lay on my left side you can see the whole boob goes under my armpit and a hell of a lot of rippling.
    This whole BA think has been a nightmare glad that I’ve had some support from my surgeon and nurse apart from that nish nothing not even a call from my PC to see how I’m getting on feeling really really angry and let down today and have decided that action has to be taken.
    Oh and b4 you have a go myamod sort out your PC’s then I wouldn’t have to post negative stuff.


    Aww sorry your having a shit time hun id get on to them and if still nothing that complain hun it has to be sorted good luck xx

    Kim 1

    Hey pixiepixie i Have had a call spoke to my pc about my concerns hopefully its all sorted now fingers crossed glad I got a chance to speak to her as best she knew how I was feeling feel alot better now that’s off my chest 🙂 also spoke to the nurse she said the stabbing pains were a good sign as where I still have numbness in my left boob its everything going back together hoping that I get some feeling back soon and the blood more then likely is from the little stitch on the outside I’ve probperbly scratched it during the night she said not to worry it won’t be infected or anything am due to see the nurse on the 26th April when I’m 10 weeks post op 🙂 xx
    @maymod thanks for getting them to call feel better now I’ve had that chance to talk and clear the air 🙂

    myamoderator 138

    That’s what we are here for – to support you all!
    Please let us know how you get on.
    Love MYA Mod x

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