Girls around 9 stone 5ft1 – 325, 350, 375 overs high profile – photos please Started by: Natasha

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  • Natasha -3

    So I have my surgery in 3 days! I’m so so excited but also tying myself in knots around what size to go for. I’m getting an uplift too and currently 34b. I’ve been offered HP overs 325, 350 and 375cc. I know so many girls say go bigger but it’s really hard to gauge exactly how they’re going to look cos I’ve seen some 325s look HUGE and 375s on other girls look average sized.

    I’ve seen lots of photos of girls but not many with similar stats to me so I’m hoping to get a better gauge around what I can expect to look like. I’m terrified of going too big because I’m short and don’t want to look top heavy.

    Does anyone with similar stats have pics they can share or instagrams that I can look at please??

    Saz 3

    I’m 5’3 and around 9 stone 10, I was a 34C (empty C) before and ended up with 440cc tear drop overs- I’m 4 weeks post op and they are the perfect size… I think the best thing to do is trust your surgeon, I’d of said 320ish for me but I told him what I wanted and left the rest to him!

    Natasha -3

    Thanks lovely, I ended up going high profile 375 overs and really happy with the results!


    Hey! Im very similar stats to you – 5f1 9stone 4 and currently a 34AA. My surgery’s booked in for 12th November (week and a half away!) I’m going for a 150/175cc (to even out the sizes) and have been recommended going over the muscle and moderate profile. Im still so paranoid about them looking too big and fake as I just want to go from my current nothing to being able to buy a bra that fits. Do you have any before and after photos you would be willing to share? Ive struggled to find pictures of anyone with a similar shape to me so I can picture the outcome x

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