Girls beware!!! Friend requests!! Started by: Jessica (@jessc92)

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    Girls I am getting a big increase in friend requests off people who have no activity on their account. I’ve had someone add me three times now! I haven’t had my BA yet but there’s no way that when I do I want these people looking. This has been brought up before and I think it’s very important to keep reminding people!
    I have also noticed they may comment on something but just by the way they are talking you can tell its abit fishy.
    I try to no accept people if they don’t have a profile pic unless they have lots of activity so girls be aware there are nasty disgusting people out there! I think it would be good if we could report this in some way – Mya is this possible?
    Maybe if you have time on your hands one day go through your friend list and delete anyone your not 100% happy about, this is very personal xxx

    KarinaC 10

    Well said girl. I am the same – had a few random requests, I just decline them xx


    Iv had the same no activity apart from adding people left right and centre. I just delete them x

    Vickie 3

    Hi I’ve mentioned this before too. Apparently you can send a message to mya coordinator with who you are suspicious of and they’ll look into it. Also I have found that recently dodgy accounts are now adding a profile pic, do don’t just assume that the pic is actually them! Xx

    KarinaC 10

    Good point Vickie – I only accept those with relevant activities and who actually contribute to the forum. xx


    Sly little *****!! Ok il look into it. You can just tell this person isn’t who you think they are literally no activity just adding friend after friend. If you are serious enough about surgery you will have questions without a doubt xx

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