Girls help! So so nervous! x Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne

    Hello ladies!

    After 7 years of wanting this done…I have booked my BA for Saturday 27th July with Dr Schiavone at Droitwhich. I’m very VERY nervous. I’m currently a 34C. But my breasts are quite “empty” hence the reason I’ve always wanted a BA. But now it’s a month away I’m starting to get quite nervous (excited too) but very nervous.

    I also keep hearing about the boobie bible? Could anyone tell me what this is please?

    ALSO… Any general advice, support or experience would be appreciated!

    Thank you girls xxx


    Hello Leanne, I am telling you the honest truth I booked my op about 2 weeks ago and I thought/dreamt about nothing else until the second I went to theatre on Tuesday morning. The drive to Preston had me shaking, feeling sick and I had migraine!! As soon as I got to the hospital the nurses were so lovely they put me right at ease. There is honestly nothing to worry about!! Your put to sleep an the next thing I knew I was back in my room with my boyfriend! I also came home the same day and felt fine. I’m 5 dys post op and starting to feel comfortable.
    I went from not even an A cup, totally flat and now I’m wearing a c cup sports bra that is too tight so a lot of stretching has gone on lol!!
    This is easier said than done but try not to work your self up, you had a few weeks to wait so just keep busy! I’m the biggest baby in the world and such a worrier, If I can do it any one can 🙂
    Good luck x


    Hi Abigail! Thank you so much! I feel much better.

    So your boyfriend went with you? X my boyfriend is coming with me, so is he able to stay while I’m having the operation? And then can he be with me until I leave? X sorry for all the questions? xxx

    Also anything in particular I should buy? Apart from my sports bra? Wipes? Etc x

    Leanne X


    Hi leanne, I have wanted a ba since I was 18, and I finally had it done 11 days ago. On the day of my ba, I cried all the way to Highgate in the car. When I got there the staff were fab + they really put me at ease. My hubby came with me + when I went down to theatre he was allowed to order tea/coffee to my room. The scariest part for me was being put to sleep, but it was no way near as bad as I was expecting + I would do it all again tomorrow. Just enjoy the whole day + the exciting part of waking up with your new boobies x x x


    Hey Lizzy!

    Thank you so so much x I feel better already.

    Any tips will be welcome! X


    hey Leanne, you have nothing too worry about, I had such a lovely experience and was gutted it was all over too quickly. Ive not had any pain what so ever, just felt tired. and today 5 days post op, ive woke up feeling good 🙂 Good luck hun xx


    Aw it’s lovely to hear everyone’s positive stories! I’m due in on 29th July and although I feel a little sick when I think about it (i think that’s mainly excitement) I don’t feel nervous (yet!)! I’m sure there’s time yet but ready everyone’s post really puts my mind at rest.

    Im sure youll be absolutely fine leanne! Xx


    Hi Leanne, yeah he drove me to the hospital, stayed in the room until I arrived back from recovery and then drove my home too bless him. He has been great. So glad I had him there to keep me calm. I was a day case but took an overnight bag just incase. I really wanted mints when I woke up lol so he went and got me some. Just make sure you have comfy joggers on and a zip up top as I needed him to pull my trousers down when I went to the loo. I took a kindle to the hospital but never used it cos I was soo sleepy. I could av stayed there all week x


    Thank you ladies all so much. I feel much better x keep me updated how your all getting on.

    X x x X

    leigh taylor -4

    Don’t worry at all you will want to do it all again after! I’ve had three BAs and enjoyed the experience every time. Try to focus on the end result and read lots on here it will make you feel more positive. Good luck…x

    Charlie 4

    Go for it!! Dont be nervous, i was so nervous and now im 3 days post op and dont really know what i was worrying about! Pain wise ive been been fine, no matter how they turn out, they are bound to be better than my former saggy ones ha! Id suggest going round the shops and looking at all the clothes/bikinis underwear that you will be able to wear after your op! That’s what really got be excited!xx


    Hi Leanne
    I’m sure everything will be fine.Good luck lady! 🙂 xx

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